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two_zero last won the day on November 17 2014

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  • Guns
    g17 [we gen4],
    aks74u [cm.045],
    m11 [kwa]
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    minimal chestrig :)
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    none rn
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  1. things have changed since I knew anything at all about airsoft snipers - thanks!! well, as I dont have that kind of money at this moment I guess I have to wait^^
  2. neat! well, i feel like tightening the innerbarrel to the outer is fairly standard leaning toward the AAP01 thou, the aftermarket parts for it really excites me!
  3. Thank you! If the ergos are stock/furniture related then they aren't really an issue as I plan to make my own
  4. Are these VSR10 compatible or are all of them their own systems?
  5. Dude.. I literally state in my post that I'm not looking for a NBB. The inner barrel in a WE g17 gen4 moves back and forth inside the the outer barrel. The solution is an AAP-01, as people recommended.
  6. Ineffective in a skirmish? Sure. But silly? As oppose to grown people playing with toyguns^^?
  7. Correction, I was thinking about Army Armament.
  8. Sweden. Organized events tends to be a bunch of dudes in multicam with Systemas claiming they can hear the bbs bouncing of their kits but in reality they never notice when hit - same as everywhere I suppose 🤷🏻‍♀️ When I was active we used to just fill a couple of cars on the weekends and head for the forest or some abandoned site and do our thing. I don't like bureaucracy ^^ This answered the question I do appreciate this but I am very aware of it also- see my forum stats and this reply Either way it is more about adding VSR platform to my loadout than anything else ^^ and I do appreciate your help!
  9. I literally can't, as it's a moving part, hence why I want something with a fixed barrel. Thank you for explaining! As for auto being pointless - we're shooting plastic bullets at each other. If there's is any point to it surely it is to have as much fun as possible, and for me atleast, fa gbb is plenty fun
  10. lmaooo the idea of opening a gearbox in the field T.T I literally said that I am not sure - but it's not 1,5mm - how is that obscure?? That its imperial 0.05" is possible thou.
  11. The more noise the better IMO for GBB Why are better buckings a good idea? What should I upgrade before going auto?
  12. two_zero

    Swat timed BFGs

    Bargain, super fun! Would grab em if I still lived in the UK
  13. I often considered this. G&G SSG-1 is an attempt to get there https://www.foxairsoft.com/airsoft-guns/electric-rifles-aeg/m4/g-g-ssg-1-usr-speedsoft-airsoft-gun/ I'd say you need a v3 gearbox (common but much more robust than v2). Translucent mid cap mags, compatible with existing mags, probably mp5 as they (an ak mag pouch can hold 1 * ak mag, 2 * m4 mags or 3 * mp5 mags). I'd also go bullpup so that you can get a full barrel into a subcompact aeg. might even channel the BBs from in front of the grip like on the conventional platforms to the rear. Might even have an internal magazine big enough to last a match, maybe that can be reloaded or extended with external mags. Maybe several internal tubes in either parallel or in a revolving setup. Safety trigger, possibly also an external safety, but one that can be locked in unsafe (way too many times someone has handed back an airsoft to me in safe so I've been killed in the field because the gun wouldnt shoot) Selector switch possibly ak layout, bumped the m4 one by accident way too many times. If it used external magazines, side feed would be awesome, meaning you could lay down without having to switch to short mags. Ok, so just brainstorming: what if it had parallel gearbox n barrels, meaning you could, with the selector deciding which one, meaning you can have DMR fps when on semi? I guess I should say quad rails, but I also feel like that goes without saying. I'll probably add to this later^^
  14. There's like a super specific allenkey size (I want to say 1,27mm, but I am probably off) used in MP5 or MP5k, you might want to see if there's anything like that for your MP7. I'd say electrical tape and cable ties but they've already been said
  15. why is this in general rather than off-topic btw?
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