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MistakenMexican last won the day on October 12 2024

MistakenMexican had the most liked content!

1 Follower

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  • Guns
    TM AKX
    LD GHM9
    TM FMG 9
    Lots and lots of glocks
    A couple of Hi-Capas
  • Loadouts
    Hawain Shirts
  • Sites
    UCAP Gloucester, Airsoft Cymru Station
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  • Location
    South Wales
  • Interests
    Airsoft, climbing, cycling, cars

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  1. In case people have missed it. guarder have been busy posting updates on new gen5 upgrades. Their lightweight BBU will be less that 10g 🤯 I reckon we’ll see complete new generation lowers with trades by the end of the year. i also reckon it will be quicker to buy and assemble a complete guarder kit than wait for Marui to reproduce a gen5. the last 2 gen4s I’ve built have been complete guarder builds and they’re almost drop in kits. So I imagine the gen5 will be similar.
  2. Latest contender. put a £200 stock pistol in a case with £150 in mags and some vaguely worded cheap upgrades and it’s worth £500 second hand 🙈 if he itemised it properly, I might be wrong and it could be £750 of kit new… but I suspect the upgraded hop, springs and barrel aren’t going to add £200 to the value of the kit.
  3. This is my reasoning. I have 50 odd pistol magazines for Marui glocks and hicapas. I’ve ended up going with a PCC45 as it was £200 (without any upgrades), so even if I spend £400 on upgrades - it’s cheaper than buying a stock MWS with 4 mags… as the mags are a massive additional cost. I’ve also got an MWS AR9 and a GHM9-G which take Marui glock mags… so again, they’re quite reasonable in cost because I’ve already got the mags upfront. i love my AKX and it’s by far the most reliable and accurate piece of kit I have. But the mags are £50-70 each and they’re super heavy. I worked out the other day, for the weight of 3 AKM mags, I can carry 9 guarder lightweight hicapa mags. I only use 4 or 5 in a game so it’s much more comfortable in terms of weight and space. I’d really like to see someone do a purpose built PCC for glock mags built off the MWS. i have a few glock based PCCs. But none of them were out of the box ready to go. The GHM9 and TWS9mm required modification to take glock mags. The prowin AR9 kit is a fairly large undertaking and required fairly careful modification. It would be nice to be able to buy one that’s just ready to go. The Sekio quarter circle 10 looks cool, but takes proprietary mags… so defeats the point.
  4. I have quite a few glocks. A lot of them branded with agent, salient and strike industries. So quite please with the end result, for example this Big A stand.
  5. Bought a rather beat up g19 off the forums here last week. a little bit of cerakote and I’m really pleased! it’s still a WIP - the lower was borrowed off another g19 for photos. I have a new steel internal frame coming to replace the old tired OEM frame. What’s left of my Savia PCC45 🤣 MWS AR that takes hicapa mags. I’ve become a fan of the SLR furniture!
  6. I’m fairly sure it’s one bloke and maybe his wife helping. In all the years I’ve been dealing with boomarms, I’ve only ever heard from the same person. Also his return address is a residential flat. WGC shop on the other hand is a multi person operation with several employees. Talked to a number of them over the years.
  7. What makes you think many people work at Boomarms?
  8. I’m being super lazy and waiting for them to release a new generation/complete lower.
  9. This. It’s quite hard to encourage people to post good reviews. No encouragement required for people who are disgruntled. As Bryn has shown us.
  10. Very standard practice in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Often the wholesaler can get the order to the retailer within the same week. In some cases, the retailer is literally down the road.
  11. Boom arms is basically a guy running a shop out of his flat in HK. So he’s inundated with messages, emails and all the admin of running a shop. He’s only human and misses the odd email and gets a few orders wrong from time to time. in my experience, he always makes it right. I did a massive order with him last year, and he got it wrong to the tune of $300. It took him about 3 months to source the parts (as they’d all sold out by the time we agreed a resolution), but he made good on all the stuff he’d got wrong. i suspect he’s made a typo on the tracking number or he’s holding out for the last item in your order to come in stock.
  12. from what I’ve seen on the GBBR groups, this will fit your saiga. But you need to use the original grip screw from your saiga.
  13. Time Left: 1 day and 13 hours

    • For sale
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    Hawsan madmax sawn off shotgun. great condition. comes with a leather holster and 8 shells. the original black paint has been stripped off to give it a weathered look. looking for £220 all in.


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