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  • Guns
    TM G36C, TM Sig P226
  • Loadouts
    PMC-ish loadout
  • Sites
    UCAP The Bunker, Combat South Urban
  • Gender
  • Location
    Portsmouth, UK
  • Interests
    Anime, Model-making, Mecha, Military Vehicles (esp. aircraft), sci-fi, comic books, furries

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  1. I hate XM8's, but I like that one.
  2. Yes, I was there. It was a brilliant day, as you said.
  3. Anyone going to the Bunker on Sunday? I'm planning to go, haven't been for a game for ages and it's long-past time I got busy and did some shootin'. Is anyone else heading that way? And is anyone able to give me a lift at all? Hope to see some of you there!
  4. I didn't see it today, but I have seen that episode. I was laughing, after I was cringing at how fugly the gun was. And the guy thought it was the best thing ever too. Hilarious xD
  5. I'm pleased to say that isn't mine. But as soon as I saw it, I thought of this thread.
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