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  • Guns
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    Jeans & T-shirt warrior
  • Sites
    The Gaol Events
    Phoenix airsoft
    The killhouse
    Urban assault ( RIP)
    Close action airsoft
    Free fire zone
    HQ Airsoft
    Halo Mill - Proving Grounds
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    Airsoft, Archery, Country Music, Drag Racing, Pick up Trucks, Making my own beef jerky

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    • Wanted
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    Wanted genuine Vortex Spitfire X3 Gen 1


  2. Verdict: Blackhawk Omnivore holsters are great, they are universal but very secure due to their active retention which is applied to flashlight (or 20mm mounting bracket if non flashlight version) and at a reasonable price. It’s not always the easiest for us southpaws to find good holsters but this one works. if you are looking to mount it to a QLS system though you will need an adaptor as the two are not directly compatible. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4948094/files
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    Hi, needing help from anyone with a 3d printer / metal work the part I’m wanting is an adapter for a Blackhawk holster to make it QLS compatible. I’ve found printer schematics https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4948094/files


  4. I’ve ended up changing my plan and ordering a Blackhawk omnivore and I also have a TLR-1 on its way so will update you on my opinion when it arrives
  5. How do you find the retention? Is the passive retention enough or do you feel active retention ie strap/ hood or button release would make it more secure?
  6. does the omnivore allow for optics? Unfortunately I can’t find any left handed holsters on Aliexpress. I bought some mid ride QLS mounts from them that arrived today, fraction of the price of any available in the UK.
  7. Thanks, appreciate your response im looking at buying from Kydex customs the only other thing I probably should have mentioned above is im left handed so not the everywhere does suitable holsters. the flashlight I’m using is a genuine O-light PL turbo Valkyrie - very nice light.
  8. Hi everyone; I’m looking at purchasing my first kydex holster and just want some validation that the passive retention is enough to keep my sidearm secure. im not fast and definitely not elegant; more bull in a china shop, that sometimes falls over. I’ve ran lots of holsters over the years all with some form of active retention, whether it be a fabric strap or warrior universal button release; and even with this security liked to opt for a bungee lanyard just in case ( some of my pistols are not lanyard compatible). This will be on a mid-ride belt mount with leg strap. I run a variety of pistols ( FNX, G17, P226, M45, Hi Capa) so would be probably be getting a universal holster whos retention is flashlight based. So my options are: universal holster with flashlight retention costing a total of £60 or seperate light bearing, active retention hood at £110 per pistol. What should I do?
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    • Wanted
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    Wanted - railed frame for TM hi Capa. i don’t mind what make, ideally black and has to have a rail to mount a torch. thanks


  10. APFG Sig LT Spear Sig.556 suppressor flashlight d-bal Replica unity red dot mount Vortex Crossfire replica unity magnifier mount vortex micro magnifier Airsoft Artisan buffer tube folding stock PTS stock Opinions?
  11. If you’re running mid caps, they fit in MP5 mag pouches.
  12. Extremely impressive collection!
  13. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/395585295727?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=rcqnnschrpc&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=SssM6a_dQDS&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  14. For years I’ve been using a glass fronted cabinet to store my guns; I loved the theory of it but in reality it wasn’t what I was wanting so I finally bought a proper gun rack. before the rack after now.. I’ve shown you mine.. you show me yours.
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