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Everything posted by Brokencreation

  1. Been working on some project guns before I go back out on the fields about mid march! The mcx looking thing is almost fully 3d printed in carbon PLA and carbon PETG with a cyma plat gearbox :D


    the BAR was a dead gun or got cheap and fixed for about £30 maybe £40 with a mosfet.


    The mp5 is a cyma blue edition with a cheap mosfet and swordfish kit (it’s honestly a brick).


    The pulse rifle is mostly stock. 

    mp9 is stock with a fun body kit on it printed in carbon PLA, 


    the big l85 is my hog in a wig. My first high end gun it’s a first gen G&G l85 a2 with a merf mosfet 


    the l22 is my piglet in makeup! That has short stroked gears and the perun etu++ mosfet. It’s my speed soft gun for lols. 

    the ghk has the air tac hpa kit with a printed handguard and a frostbite tracer. I put a harder sprint in it to up the recoil. 

    the AK is a cheap boy cyma with a high torque motor and the SRU kit :D I broke it already but the break was easy to fix.


    and that’s it till my next update.


    all the files I got from cults3d




    here are a couple of examples :)









  2. yeah i saw that too. profound sadness :c
  3. I do believe this is what we call serendipity!
  4. booooo :c thanks for letting me know though that sucks.
  5. Hello people, So, I am trying to fix my friend's old WE mp7 he got for cheap. The gun only shoots in full auto, and it runs away when it gets going, only stopping when the mag empties, or you rip it out asap. I see on the internet that it's kind of a known issue with older versions of the gun. Is there a way for me to mod it so it is permanently set to semi auto? He wants to use it indoors only :]
  6. this able to be posted bud? or is it collection only
  7. What GBBR platform are these for? :] do they work on GHK style guns? ( I have a ghk g5 )
  8. Oh my god it is so ugly i love it cannot go wrong with big pewpew
  9. without. I have bodged a tracer unit into it though big oof Wont elaborate further, gigachad moment NO! my house is nice and tidy this is the only space i can make messy and not feel bad
  10. I want to see your most scuffed or out there custom stuff you or someone made for you here are mine. Oil filter ak’s and 3D printed body kits galore with cheap Chinese mosfets, they work most of the time my faves is the mp5 swordfish that uses RC batteries and tacticool l85s. My best gun is my modded ghk g5 though it’s just always worked. My office is a bit of a perpetual flow between messy and tidy :,)
  11. God I wish this took mp9 magazines… I would have got it on a heart beat because it just looks so much cooler with straight mags in my opinion.( Sad mp9 gbbr enjoyer noises )
  12. SO I 3d printed one of these bad boys but it wasn't great and I had to do a LOT of fixing . but now there is a gel blaster of it? and it's cheap about 150? bro I'm gonna swap over needed parts to convert this bad boy to airsoft and i will let you guys know how it goes and how hard it is and what the quality of the body is like :]c mazim pdx lets gooooooooooooooooooo. and not one that's about £2000 gbp (yes that's how much you would be paying for a real airsoft pdx)



    1. Brokencreation


      okay never mind it seems ak uncle is a bit of a flake 

  13. Holy shit dude these are all based as fuck! That rpk bullpup is cursed and epic at the same time Holy shut you are the guy who made that!? You fiend… gimme 2
  14. ignore the mess my bedroom is being decorated atm so i had to put allll of that in my office
  15. Hey guys show me your mad boneyard scrap heap challenge guns you made from broken crap! It’s honestly my favourite kind of airsoft build no matter what it is. Here are my two best examples. An Ak74su that I think started as a broken cyma with no gearbox or stock. Then got a stock off eBay one day. A very gucci v3 gearbox off here. A perun mosfet. Short strokes gears. Shs motor some other second hand bits. And my speedy boi gi capa made from like. Three different eBay lots and some upgrades etc with allll that stuff on it it’s cost me maybe £170 in total. Let me see what abominable things you guys made
  16. I will see what i can do. for the time being i have semi locked it by locking the bigger actuator arm on the selector side in the up position so its locked to semi rather than full auto
  17. okay i have taken the gearbox out, and on the selector side there are two levers,a little one fon the bottom and a big on what actually hits the switch to put the gun into semi auto. the big one does not move when i actuate the fire selector. would you say there is something broken in the lower half of my gearbox
  18. Yes it is the micro switch one I popped the top off to see what I could see and the trigger bar hits a tiny little button. I will try what you suggested later and see how it goes
  19. Hey guys, I git my hands on a l22 from G&G fit cheap. It shoots fine but it only shoots in full auto in semi and in full auto. What do you guys think it may be? Not had a chance to take it apart and I have never worked on The etu stuff from g&g. My first thought is maybe the cut of lever but that’s surely handed by the etu and mosfet now right?
  20. Interesting design, does this take standard mp5 magazines and what the FPS on it currently
  21. Bought a broken old cyma from a retailer and then though “ sod it in gunna make a gun! So I bought this file and printed the parts and they went in with a little modification to the lower receiver. Going to put an in line mosfet on it and see how good it goes. Will show you all the finished thing!



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rogerborg


      Wow, the whole receiver and hanguard?


      Verrrrrrrrrrrry tempting.

    3. Brokencreation


      Damn Matas where did you get the stock adapter the 3d printed one died right away. 

  22. Hey Folks,


    Anyone know where to get an adapter for the MP9 to put a tracer in the QD suppressor? maybe something that can be 3d printed and inserted into the suppressor or maybe a kit I can buy to insert one?

    1. Albiscuit


      Look on Ebay for the3dprinter he makes adapters for various silencers allowing the use of a tracer. Not sure about a MP9 but if its not listed it might be worth messaging him.

    2. Brokencreation


      Thanks mate i will look him up

  23. My guns I am currently working on! 


    my tacticool nuptol m4 with flailed mag well and some nice accent colours,


    my areas striker 02 


    my customised but beat up to hell WE hi capa, it could do with a repaint.


    and my newest addiction the black and gold AKs 74u but I call it the Krank. 

    will post others when I get better images of them :D...





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