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  • Guns
    We g17
    Specna arms sa-c11
    TM hi capa
    Hpa g&g arp9
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    R. I. F. T

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  1. What needed to be done to make the stock fit? Looks mint that
  2. Best place to post about being sold a broken gun? Also I can't change the writing to red so if a admin sees this please change it
  3. I saw someone a while ago do the br55 from halo, but they used a Aug as the base, good luck tho
  4. First thing that came up when I typed in airsoft on ebay
  5. Damn ill have to keep looking around then, was this the g&p one?
  6. Where did you get it from? Been looking for one but evike is completely sold out i think?
  7. Would it be cheaper to buy the aeg then buy a 9mm adapter?
  8. Can you do me a favour and count them all please, want to make sure there's 5000 there?😂
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