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alxndrhll last won the day on April 6 2023

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    G17 - MCX - PTW
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  1. Planning on playing a bit more CQB when such a time is permitted. Spent the entire night, thanks insomnia, looking up various eye/face pro options and I suspect I’m now officially more confused as to a good way to go than when I started. A Dye mask seems like the easiest catch all solution, but ohh boy do I get flashes of the ‘How do you do, fellow kids?’ gif every time I look at them.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Steveocee


      Is absolutely the right answer!

      Herosharks are fine in the woods, a friend had a BB mince itself through his Herosharks first day out with them in the woods. That was a sniper at maybe 50-60M. I know the sniper and the gun setup as well and it was just a straight up shattered BB into his eyes.
      I tried Sawfly's indoors but they just felt a little too open.


      You are right though, last time out in a CQB I had an i4 and it gave a knowledge I was really well protected so I played probably the most aggressive game of my life. Loved it!

    3. alxndrhll


      They’re definitely my go to whenever I’m sniping, for a whole host of reasons.  Better concealment, easy to craft on, small form factor and the most obvious of don’t fog. That play style tends to mean I get to dictate the ranges at which I engage so (rightly or wrongly) I have minimal safety concerns versus the pros of using them.


      Looks like my mind is made up, just need to figure out the colour (between Onyx and ‘Dyecam’)... though knowing me they’ll last maybe 10 minutes before I paint them 😅.

    4. Steveocee




      @alxndrhll This was my dyecam i4. Yes that's pink and gold glitter.

      I got it cheap at £20 and whilst indoors I thought F it, have some fun and a laugh.

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