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Status Updates posted by KirbyHCI

  1. A little DIY IFF for dark CQB since the back of my head seems to be a bullet magnet for friendly fire. The only time I've been hit in the back of the head by enemy players is when I'm already dead and walking away.

    Good idea or bad? 😅



  2. 55bd7c52833ff8d6441471fa925d5ea4.png
    Are you or anybody you know experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 virus? Contact your nearest HitCorp International representative immediately for expedited 'treatment' 😷


    1. Rogerborg


      Ze goggles, ze do nuzzing.


      Especially if you don't wear them.

  3. Costume thrown together of a low tier civilian security contractor in vaguely hazmat protective gear. No plate, civvie gasmask, MICH basic helmet. Totally not because I couldn't find my other gear at the time when I wanted to try the look out, but I think it works as a representation of a very particular kind of character/role, less spec ops, more a mallcop roped in to  private security working for (insert federal quarantine facility) during initial zombie outbreak a scenario kind of deal ala Left4Dead.

    More for a non-airsoft cosplay/costume but, also a challenge setup to play in potentially. Done the gas mask and mild gear, but the sealed coverall and such really add a whole new dimension of suck on top...


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. KirbyHCI


      Lmao I didn't take it in a bad way at all what so ever!

    3. KirbyHCI


      I took it entirely as a light hearted humorous comment that was on point for the subject and imagery 😅

    4. RostokMcSpoons
  4. Does anyone live in or near Bristol and drive to play airsoft somewhere between regularly and occasionally? It's pretty much the only physical exercise I enjoy, and it keeps me both mentally and physically way healthier than when I don't play. It legitimately keeps me off drugs and alcohol, which I tend to have a bit of a problem with when I have no airsoft outlet.

    I can contribute for fuel etc. and such an arrangement would be a vast help to me. I have some friends up for coming along too, so more fuel contributors and less wasted space in the car lol.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KirbyHCI


      I'm straight and honest. What you see is what you get, no holds barred lol. 

    3. KirbyHCI


      (Also FYI, when I play airsoft etc., I do plan ahead and stay sober ahead. That's a solid rule.)

    4. KirbyHCI


      Also if I'm honest, the way that's written comes across kind of condescending, regardless of what seem to be the attempts to prevent that. I'm attempting to take it at literal face value you seem to be trying portray on the surface, but it has managed to diminish my mood somewhat, is irrelevant to the query, and not very helpful, coming across as perhaps unnecessary to say in the first place. 

  5. Fuckin' corpo cops.

    Taking "capitalist pig" to a whole new level. 


    DSC_0184 (2).JPG

  6. I've been away from these forums for a while, got frustrated with someone being obtuse when I was asking for help, but alas, I need to stay in communication with other airsofters!

  7. Thanks for your response to my Well R7 question. Sorry I didn't reply, I left the forums for a while as someone in a different thread frustrated me by being daft lol. 

    I bought a new battery (a regular NiMh not a LiPo), but my old charger gets scarily hot ad it just doesn't seem right when I use them together so it's a bit money-wasted. 

    1. NathanW8


      Hey no need to apologise, sometimes it's good to have a break. As you've got a new battery, it does sound like your charger is a little broken. If I was you I'd ask round your airsoft friends to see if they've got an old charger they don't need. If they're like me they probably have several NiMh chargers spare. Alot of guns come with a NiMh battery and charger, and the first thing I do is upgrade to LiPo. 

    2. KirbyHCI


      TBH I'm thinking of selling off the Well R7 cheap to someone who already has LiPo stuff.

      I'm generally a gas gun fan so I'm thinking of just offloading everything that doesn't run on gas.


      But yeah I've got rid of that charger - It got so hot the sticker on the plug blistered up. That ain't right, yo. lol.

  8. What's the etiquette around necroing threads here usually?

    For example if I wanted to share my experience shopping at a particular physical store and there's an old thread someone else posted about it, should I reply there or start a new one, y'all think?

    1. EDcase


      If its relevant then yes, post in existing thread.

      Otherwise there will me a mess of similar threads.

    2. Rogerborg


      100% yes, necro it and keep it in one place.

    3. KirbyHCI


      Ok, cool. That's how I prefer to do it, but a small number of forums take the opposite policy sometimes. Thanks y'all!

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