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  • Guns
    TM M4A1 MWS, TM P226 E2, Secutor Velites SII
  • Loadouts
    Corporate "Crisis Response" Tactical Team (All Black, CQB)
  • Sites
    Bristol Airsoft
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  1. I usually play CQB, and I have both hypersensitive hearing AND hearing damage of different types in each ear (physical damage one side, extended high volume damage the other), so despite a lot of people not bothering with hearing protection even if indoors, I really do require it personally. I'd say it's worth it. Active hearing pro so you can hear marshals, teammates, etc., but block out loud bangs, and also you can plug any comms/radios or even music in as a bonus (I used to run music in one ear, radio in the other, as it automatically worked that way if I plugged my phone and radio in on a splitter) I used to run fairly cheap civilian shooting active earpro, but they did have a habit of dying randomly, so it's worth maybe researching into current choices for value vs. money and investing in something decent if it's actually gonna last
  2. fukin ell caw da marshulz dats to op 4 r sights ere in da uk ull kil sum1 cheetur. hax! ppl lyk u rooen da gaym 4 evree1!11one
  3. Does anyone live in or near Bristol and drive to play airsoft somewhere between regularly and occasionally? It's pretty much the only physical exercise I enjoy, and it keeps me both mentally and physically way healthier than when I don't play. It legitimately keeps me off drugs and alcohol, which I tend to have a bit of a problem with when I have no airsoft outlet.

    I can contribute for fuel etc. and such an arrangement would be a vast help to me. I have some friends up for coming along too, so more fuel contributors and less wasted space in the car lol.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KirbyHCI


      I'm straight and honest. What you see is what you get, no holds barred lol. 

    3. KirbyHCI


      (Also FYI, when I play airsoft etc., I do plan ahead and stay sober ahead. That's a solid rule.)

    4. KirbyHCI


      Also if I'm honest, the way that's written comes across kind of condescending, regardless of what seem to be the attempts to prevent that. I'm attempting to take it at literal face value you seem to be trying portray on the surface, but it has managed to diminish my mood somewhat, is irrelevant to the query, and not very helpful, coming across as perhaps unnecessary to say in the first place. 

  4. I've used Nuprol, Abbey, and WE regular (2.0/etc.etc. depending on brand), and have genuine TM mags from different vendors that all seem to be constructed and behave the same (inc. the one that came with the MWS). I have tried various things, and do purge the air manually in the way that works for different gun's mags, but it makes no difference to the issue with the MWS mags (unless they obviously have trapped air in and need it, like any other mag sometimes gets. Then it's just, as expected, and continues to have issues with regular GG but is fine with 144a/lower pressure). The gun & mags are about a year old but never skirmished with yet, only used for plinking for a few hours for a day or two at a time before being cleaned up and put away for a week or two. Mostly just keeping myself and the gun maintained, fresh, and enjoyed. lol. Thank you all for your attempts to assist btw! I'm stumped so I'm just going to keep running 144a 'cause it works. Obviously I'll keep some regular GG on hand in case it's ever too cold or decides to like it one day but, all my main guns are TM so 144a is recommended anyway, and works on everything reliably lol.
  5. Costume thrown together of a low tier civilian security contractor in vaguely hazmat protective gear. No plate, civvie gasmask, MICH basic helmet. Totally not because I couldn't find my other gear at the time when I wanted to try the look out, but I think it works as a representation of a very particular kind of character/role, less spec ops, more a mallcop roped in to  private security working for (insert federal quarantine facility) during initial zombie outbreak a scenario kind of deal ala Left4Dead.

    More for a non-airsoft cosplay/costume but, also a challenge setup to play in potentially. Done the gas mask and mild gear, but the sealed coverall and such really add a whole new dimension of suck on top...


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. KirbyHCI


      Lmao I didn't take it in a bad way at all what so ever!

    3. KirbyHCI


      I took it entirely as a light hearted humorous comment that was on point for the subject and imagery 😅

    4. RostokMcSpoons
  6. My mags are stock, haven't touched them until I iron this out and like I said just running 114a in the meantime lol. And I try the common things like purging, angle of fill, timing of fill, etc. - It just legit seems like they don't like anything above that 114a pressure if I wanna actually get any gas in there. When on 144a, they hold plenty and can run multiple full mags of BBs, and consistently pump out auto in most conditions at least for the first mag of the fill. That's all I ask for TBH. But it'd be nice to be able to do that with regular green. I thought the info saying it was an intentional thing in the latest mags was common, has anyone else heard it, or am I am going mad? xD Not doubting anyone's knowledge or info BTW, I'm just confused about my potentially wrong preconceptions/research so far lmao
  7. Strange, all the replies here to my question about mag filling seem contrary to what I've read elsewhere and my experience. I was under the impression that it was a known/intentional thing whereby TM had their fill valve vent anything over the typical pressure of 144a gas to try and force compliance with the suggestions or something. I found my near-empty regular green gas cans would fill my mags successfully, in a small window before they ran out, and that seemed to back the other info up. Am I under a totally wrong impression? I've had a TM pistol that I've used and worked on for years and know the ins and outs of, but not so much rifles. So, not total gas noob, but also not quite understanding why this seems to be an issue/the differences in this particular case
  8. I more mean, the mags just won't take regular gas. I trust the internals of the gun itself to handle regular gas, but in the mags there seems to be some kind of valve that just doesn't allow for it. No matter the fill amount or technique, it just vents it and then only fires like half a mag in semi, or essentially just a burst on auto.
  9. Does anyone have a concise guide to mods needed to run an MWS on regular green gas properly and reliably nowadays? Either freshly written, or just linking to an old post/thread/anything? I assume it's been discussed before, but occasional reminders are good. Also most stuff seems to be written around the v2 TM mags, I'm pretty sure I have the v3... Or, whatever version is latest. Regular green gas just spews out and only shoots half a mag at most no matter the fill techniques. I'm just running mine back on low power gas right now as I've found it the most reliable thing to do, but I know a lot of people do run them, or want to run them, on regular pressure green gas given how common it is here in the UK over low pressure gas.
  10. If I hadn't bought like 3 mags already recently, this would be a perfect package! But I'm broke AF. Are you only willing to sell them as a whole package, or would you sell 2 or 3? TBH I don't even know why I'm asking as I feel it'd be better for all parties to just do them together. If I can work out a way for my penniless ass to spread out payment I may be in touch! Edit: I see you say wanting to sell as a set. Sorry, I was just being dumb and asking dumb questions lol. But, yeah... Interested, but will need to work out the financial aspect. Don't wait up obviously lol. If anyone wants to split buying them, I'd be up for that. I have 3 mags already, so 2 or 3 more would be perfect for me. If anyone wants 2 or 3 themselves, hit me up and let's buy these together to split! If not, I'll just hit alxndrhll up if/when I have a financial plan and snag the lot myself lol.

    • For sale
    • Used

    Red dot not included. Laser/light with pressure switch optional for £20 extra. Unknown amount of shells, will tally them up. Will include at least 3, like original secutor package. Minor damage to cosmetic function of the device - The reciprocating fake bolt does not return to closed correctly due to faulty spring. Does not affect function of device. Pump foregrip has always been somewhat loose feeling, secured with near-invisible zipties that add some rigidity and increase feeling of sturdiness. Aftermarket adjustable stock fitted. Vertical foregrip not included by default but open to negotiation. Stockless rear sling mount plug included to swap between types/return device to original spec. Preferably local buyer to avoid postage and such, but if required we can work something out.




    • For sale
    • Used

    Red colour was added by original seller company. Only damage to the device is chipping to aforementioned aftermarket paint. Essentially like new in function besides being slightly broken-in and thus easier to pump than when brand new. Includes original box. sling, 2 shells & speedloader (ok the speedloader I don't know the location of but I'll find it or one similar. If I don't include 1 I'll knock off the price of 1). Preferably local buyer to avoid postage and such, but if required we can work something out.


    Bristol - GB

  13. Ah ok! Thanks for the info. Every little helps, both me and hopefully any folks seeking to do the same in the future who stumble on these posts lol. Personally, I think I'll probably end up doing shorter outer barrel & no-notch pistol grip first, then handguard, then anything else. Well, Not including a new sight, that's definitely #1 before everything else - A good optic, even a cheapy red dot, does far more to enhance effectiveness than anything else IMO. Iron sights are usable and I think everyone should practice with them, but if I have the choice of an RDS it's a no brainer in terms of usability IMO lol.
  14. I'll probably stick to picatinny since most of my accessories are that and it's what I'm used to. I'll do some browsing! I'm pretty poor right now anyway so, all modifications are more of a long term plan than likely in the foreseeable future. TBH mostly I'd be happy with even broad "avoid X brand, Y is generally good value, Z is the best usually" info - If it even matters. Lol. I'm sure I'll find something I like, aesthetically and functionally. Thanks. I'll likely post updates if/when my MWS is looking particularly different to stock in the far future.
  15. What's the etiquette around necroing threads here usually?

    For example if I wanted to share my experience shopping at a particular physical store and there's an old thread someone else posted about it, should I reply there or start a new one, y'all think?

    1. EDcase


      If its relevant then yes, post in existing thread.

      Otherwise there will me a mess of similar threads.

    2. Rogerborg


      100% yes, necro it and keep it in one place.

    3. KirbyHCI


      Ok, cool. That's how I prefer to do it, but a small number of forums take the opposite policy sometimes. Thanks y'all!

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