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Cr0-Magnon last won the day on July 14

Cr0-Magnon had the most liked content!


Profile Information

  • Guns
    G&G 556 DMR, FDE Scorpion Evo, TM Glock 17 Gen.4, AAP-01, Tanaka Colt Python
  • Loadouts
    Drab clothes and flavour of the month RIF's.
  • Sites
    TWA, Dogtag
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Donating a large percentage of my monthly salary to the airsoft industry.

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  1. *Adds a surefire clone to a stock WE G19*


    "Rate my Glock build..."

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cr0-Magnon


      @Sitting Duck - Maaaatee...you're not going to get me down - this one has a metal handguard! I didn't even realise, thought it was just UK mark-up bringing the price to £150 but nahhhh...you get cold hard steel (Chinesium) for the extra £35 too!

    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      Blimey grab a few more then...






      just kidding btw...


      they have another strain of COVID...




      & is followed by Brenda clip


      I just thought of you & your affection to DE HB's - she might react in a similar way


      that aside - completely understand buying something you really like more than once (or twice etc...)


      But people like Brenda might be a little taken back to find you bought ANOTHER ONE...



    4. Cr0-Magnon


      @Sitting Duck - Haha, yeah all good fun. I have high-end guns in my collection but these are compact, have great features and are cheap. Perfect for my little cousin-in-law who always seems to cake my RIF's in mud!

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