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Cr0-Magnon last won the day on July 14 2024

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Profile Information

  • Guns
    G&G 556 DMR, FDE Scorpion Evo, TM Glock 17 Gen.4, AAP-01, Tanaka Colt Python
  • Loadouts
    Drab clothes and flavour of the month RIF's.
  • Sites
    TWA, Dogtag
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  • Interests
    Donating a large percentage of my monthly salary to the airsoft industry.

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  1. Unprotected, not even once! Did a quick chrono yesterday, with a cardboard box filled with packaging material and even a towel as the backstop. One of the shots ricocheted and smacked me right at the bottom of the brow bone leaving a sore welt. It goes without saying had I been positioned even a CM to the left, that could have been a lot worse!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Callsign.Raptor_


      @Steveocee Having spare eyepro is a must. I keep one of mine with the BBs and gas as a reminder to put it on before shooting and another set is strapped to my plate carrier lol

    3. Cr0-Magnon


      @Steveocee - A disappointing 315, when it had been 340 with the previous setup!


      @Callsign.Raptor_ - I have two pairs sat by the chrono. As a child I had a bike nicked while the chain was wrapped around the seat...I was reminded of the senselessness of that approach yeaterday.

    4. SeniorSpaz87


      I keep at least one set by the table saw, one by my dremel station, one in my airsoft area, and one by the lathe/milling machines. A BB to the eye sucks. A metal shaving is worse...

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