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Everything posted by Pewpewpetie

  1. Pewpewpetie


    Hi all, just bought an aap-01 and it came with a semi only selector plate installed. Does anyone know where you can buy just the standard switch which allows full auto
  2. As stated I must have had a lemon as I had no internal air seal. Mosfet micro switch trigger stopped working so had to replace with a perun, bucking was split etc... The list goes on. After alot of hard work and patience she's up and running beautifully now
  3. I would say the bevel is sitting to low for the pinion, therefore not meshing adequately. If you were confident with you shimming and motor alignment the maybe something interfering with angle of pinion. I've worked on some guns where I've tested with gb closed and pistol grip on, sounds fine. Then I put the whole gun back together and the lower reciever pushes the grip out of alignment. I believe there is a video of you tube demonstrating this.
  4. I'll Have to order a zci rotary unit and try
  5. I've tried a pro win rotary and a standard specna arms rotary. The modify accurate has a dial style, but the arm has teeth with connect to the adjustment area. I have. Tried marking with typex on the wheel and there was no movement. The modify also came with a flat hop arm which does the same thing.
  6. You can, but I would avoid this at all costs. You have a few options, order some thinner bushings, sand existing bushings or change gear set and hope that it has a shorter vertical length. As I said it's not ideal to run without shims but it will work, also could run the risk of burning motor out due to increased resistance
  7. I've tried an rhop, maple leaf macaroon with omega nub and standard Prometheus purple. The all do the same. 3 shots may fly perfectly and the next shot may curve left or over hop or curve right then straight again. I've ordered some Geoff's bbs to rule out quality issues
  8. Let me try and get a straighter view The only shim I could fit on the right of hop arm is a 0.1mm
  9. Here a view inside the hop. Everything seems to be seated correctly. It's a modify hop, zci barrel, omega nub. Barrel is wrapped in ptfe tape to give snug fit inside outer barrel. Also using asg precision 0.4g bb
  10. Yes, it's a cyma sr25.
  11. What info would you like? Basically, there is no consistancy. Some bbs over hop and then the next shot may be perfectly straight, one after may swing to the right etc. I'm using a zci 455mm barrel and is clean.
  12. Hi again all, currently having a frustrating time with my hop. Ive tried everything and i either get not enough hop or with minimal turn, over hop. Ive tried an r hop and maple leaf, still smame results. Ive also tried 2 different hops. The standard black cyma hop(dial type) and modify accurate. The gun is shooting 440/444fps on 0.2g bb. On game days i use 0.4g
  13. Hahhahaha yes ut did incase anyine else was wondering. All my sr questions have been now answered and tge gun is now a beast.
  14. I found that if it's shimmed properly and aoe was corrected then it's. Usually Down To pinion / bevel meshing. Sometimes I have to wedge plastic squares into the grip to set allignment properly, sometimes just a mm out will cause more noise. If your motor does heat up then my guess Would be either shimmed to tight or motor allignment is off slightly. But in the world of airsoft what works for one doesnt necessarily work for another.
  15. Hi again all, almost finished on. My cyma sr25, my question is can a standard v2 trigger mosfet i.e perun, fit in a v2.5. Gb?
  16. Yeah, the first few videos of this post show the resistance caused by the nozzle length. I only opened and tested like that so I could actually see what was happening
  17. Yep, the original nozzle was so long that it was not allowing the tappet plate to fully release and made magazine rattle everyshot as the nozzle was smahing against it VID_20210617_175305.mp4
  18. After alot of measuring, milling and sanding I've managed to get a shs nozzle down to size. Needed to be 22.9mm instead of the usually 24-24.2mm sr25 nozzles. Very strange that it requires such a small nozzle. I'll update tomorrow evening once fitted
  19. I agree, bb's will most likely be your culprit. I can't use anything other the asg devil bbs with my maple leaf, any other brands jam.
  20. Got another 2 nozzles on order, I've ordered a g3 smooth one, which has no tapper, hopefully that will work. If not I'll have to sand it down. Thanks for replying
  21. I found that in my specna edge series the lonex hop worked best, coupled with a 60° macaroon and omega nub and madbull black python v2. But at the same time it doesn't work as well in my pals edge series. Best bet is ( if you can afford it) buy a few different hops and rubbers and see what seals best and feeds best. You can never have enough spare parts laying around hahaha
  22. I believe I know what the issue is, I think the nozzle is too wide for the hop(even the stock NOZZLE) . it's like it's catching where the nozzle tappers, so it can't seal properly and when firing, the nozzle isn't making the full travel into the hop and keeps moving the hop unit causing the magazine to rattle when shooting. Has anyone else encountered this?
  23. Hi, this Sr is doing my head in. Finally got the gb running nicely (cyma platinum sr25) but there seems to be an issue with the hop to nozzle. I replaced the plastic 24mm nozzle( measured with calipers so no guessing) with a shs o ringed type. Problem is, is that any hop unit I try ( stock cyma, lonex, specna rotary ) the hop seems to push the tappet plate back, like they are sitting too far in the front of the gb. Any ideas? Ive tested without any bucking just an empty hop and you can still feel the springy resistance. VID_20210616_111613.mp4 VID_20210616_111424.mp4 VID_20210616_111533.mp4 VID_20210616_111442.mp4
  24. I wouldn't bother upgrading the cyma, maybe I have a lemon but I've had nothing but issues with mine. Swapped cylinder for type0 24mm o ringed nozzle etc. Still only 390fps on an m130 with perfect internal airseals. I believe it's a problem with there hop/bucking. Be aware the cyma platinum Sr won't fit standard m4 hops without some modding as the back of the hop hits on the tappet plate when nozzle is fully forward
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