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Everything posted by Pewpewpetie

  1. Surprisingly didn't help. I replaced the ported cylinder with the type 0 you sent, also got an o ringed 24mm nozzle and m130 spring and can't get it past 390fps on 0.2g. internal compression is spot on
  2. Back again everyone hahahaha, just received my cyma sr25 platinum and stripped it down straight away as using for base dmr, I noticed it has a 500mm barrel yet still has a ported cylinder, I've looked everywhere and cannot find a type 0. Currently getting 360fps (0.2gbb) with an m130 spring. I've ordered a new nozzle (24mm) but should I be loosing 60/80fps? The 360fps is very consistent. Could this be due to the ported cylinder aswell?
  3. Hi I have managed to rectify it. Nozzle length and bucking was fine. I swapped out the sector gear (as one inside was somehow 3 mm wider in diameter and kept rubbing on trigger) added a sector delay to sector gear, corrected AOE and is now shooting fine. I measured the original nozzle to the after market one and they are both 19.7mm. not sure which of the above was the help but it's now fine. Gun is shooting around 320fps , I use ASG devil 0.28g bbs , ROF is around 17rps Only thing I could think of was maybe the tappet plate had misaligned somehow causing nozzle not to return properly, but on the other hand I don't understand how it fed flawlessly on semi.
  4. Hi again all, back with issues with my ak from specna. The gun feeds absolutely perfectly in semi, even if I spam the trigger, problem is full auto, the bbs are not consistent i.e 1 shot - dry fire - dryfire - dry fire - 1 shot etc. If it was the nozzle wouldnt this cause issues in semi?
  5. Hi again sorry to bother you but I had to change out my selector gear for another 16:1 . Problem is is that this sector hits on the back of the trigger. Aren't all sectors the same size. I had to swap previous as its centre post was too tall and couldn't shim VID_20210513_094015.mp4
  6. Yep, really appreciate your time helping. Many thanks
  7. Yes it does. Really baffling me now When I put sector gear and COL in with trigger and close the shell, the trigger unit doesn't touch the Col I have figured it out, trolley is broken. Looks like a piece hase snapped off of the side
  8. COL appears to be fine VID_20210512_123820.mp4 VID_20210512_123057.mp4
  9. Got to go away for a night so when I get back I'll upload a video of what is happening within trigger unit/COL. really appreciate all your help.
  10. Not sure I 100% understand but no part of the trigger or trigger switch touches/or interacts with the COL in anyway
  11. No. When I pull the trigger there is no interaction between trolley and COL.
  12. I'm not getting any engagement between trigger unit and COL
  13. I think I just have to admit defeat on this one before it drives Me Crazy hahaha. I have. Taken everything off and inspected every aspect of COL and Trigger and selector plate no. Wear at all. Really appreciate everyone's help
  14. I'll order another cut off lever and see, to be honest it doesn't look worn at all. This sounds silly but should the trigger pull move the COL. I.e when in semi does the trigger unit itself engage with the COL in anyway?
  15. No, tried everything. Even when col is in the gap it's not catching the sector for semi(even with pressure applied) VID_20210509_091342.mp4
  16. I have tried manually moving the selector plate by hand and still same result.
  17. No it's all fine, it's almost like the cut off lever isn't working, yet it looks fine. I posted again by mistake with pics
  18. Thanks alot, really appreciate it.
  19. Hi again, so today I took my ak apart as I usually do once a month for a clean and degrease. Never before have I encountered this problem. This gun now shoots on full auto even when on semi. It shoots lovely and is shimmed well. All aspects of cut off lever seem fine and all linking gears that sit on the outside of gearbox are connected correctly.
  20. Hi again, so today I took my ak apart as I usually do once a month for a clean and degrease. Never before have I encountered this problem. This gun now shoots on full auto even when on semi. It shoots lovely and is shimmed well. All aspects of cut off lever seem fine and all linking gears that sit on the outside of gearbox are connected correctly. VID_20210508_184419.mp4 VID_20210508_163400.mp4
  21. Also I have tried the bevel to pinion method of shimming and still motor gets hot very quickly. I'm 99.9% that the shimming is perfect, no grinding and gears spin freely once gearbox is screwed together( very well indeed). My guess is the stock wiring or the motor itself. The motor is an unbranded but specified 16tpa. I will be upgrading the stock wiring to 16awg payday.
  22. Hi again so I got hold of a rockit Swiss cheese piston, short stroked some old 16:1 gears by 3 teeth and same on piston rack. Gun fires lovely now, no jamming feeds fine, sounds lovely. Only problem is, is the high speed motor is now getting hot with a 7.4 lipo. VID_20210507_155739.mp4 Also corrected aoe .
  23. Makes sense to me. On payday I'll have to get an order on and hope it helps. Many thanks guys I'm guessing the way the pic up tooth must hit the piston rack the aoe must have been off.
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