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    Danny Dietz inspired m4
    G&g mp5
    Specna ak
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    Campaign airsoft

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  1. Could I use an instant gasket around the lip?
  2. I have tried soaking o ring and also tried heating it whilst being stretched. It always leaked from the corners of the base plate
  3. Hi all, got a second hand leaky Glock mag for my aap01 but looks like someone has changed out the o ring to the wrong size, hense why it's leaking. What size should be on here? Also shouldn't it be square? As I can't see a circular oring sealing the corners well. Any help is appreciated
  4. Managed to solve it, yes tried 2 X core chronos, using asg accuracy 0.3g. turns out inside the hi cap, where the BBS feed up there was a spur of plastic which was not allowing BBS to move freely. I stripped mag down and filed off the bit, now everything is fine. Many thanks for your input.
  5. Hi all currently tinkering with my classic army scarab. The gun fires perfectly for around 5 shots sometimes more, FPS is 0.96/0.99j but every now and then I get a low baller at around 0.35j. any ideas what could cause this? Gun has V2 GB, 13:1 gears, high torque motor, Perun basic MOSFET . Could it be a timing issue with tappet plate? There is no pattern to when the low joule shot will happen, when it does the next shots are fine
  6. Hi all, currently trying to fix this extended aap01 mag I bought, knew it was leaking but was only £5. The gas is leaking from the corners of the square plate , from the pics you can see the current o ring isn't sitting on the corners enough to create a seal. Does anybody have any idea what size o ring works best or is there a square alternative?
  7. Hi again all, just a quick one this time. Where should a BB sit in hop bucking once nozzle has been fully released forward? I.e should it still be gripped by the lips or should it be pushed through just behind the mound?
  8. Hahhahah no i will try, kind of given up now, just kind of accepted it as ut is now
  9. No, i use ag devil 0. 3g or guarder 0.3g
  10. Could it be to do with fps, alough generally consistant i occasionly get a reading slightly higher. Ive done every air seal checj and mod yet still get occasional bump in fps, these chrono readings are on guarder 0.3g bb
  11. Been using hi caps wound fully. I think the only thing left is how tge bb is sitting before it hits the hop mound
  12. Also wondering if it xould be a tappet plate problem maybe angling the nozzle very slightly causing it to not enter the hop completely straight. Ill check when i next open it as i saw an article on it whilst searching every single page on Google hahahha
  13. I wish it was that simple hahaha. Tried various hops, adjusting one click at a time and firing 5 rounds per click, costing a fortune in ammo now aswellmThe only thing i can think is that nozzle isnt seating bbs correctly, maybe some falling inside the lips? I really dont know anymore. The stress levels this gun has caused is unreal hahhaha. Really dont want to sell it as i love the unique look it has
  14. Finally I admit defeat, I've tried everything, 4 different rubbers, 3 different hops, 4 different nubs,3 different barrels and 3 different Air nozzles. Gun is very consistent now +-2fps but vertical hop is still all over the place. 2 out of 5 bbs hop too high , 2 will fly perfectly and then 1 will have not as much hop
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