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  • Guns
    VFC Avalon, SRS A2
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    Combat Action Games, Norwich
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    Norwich, Norfolk

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  1. When the hell are airsoft websites going to restock... Skirmshop has literally next to nothing in stock still 😕

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rogerborg


      Mmm, AK2M4 reckons it's been a mare having stuff shipped from Hong Kong in particular, couriers don't want to touch anything that looks or sounds remotely gun related, even if it's just parts.

    3. Skara


      Considering there's what's essentially a civl war over there, understandable :D


      Italy's fucccc't as well, waiting on some items to restock but it's been months now..

    4. ak2m4


      "Mare" doesn't even begin to describe it.  Although EMS (asian parcel force) have now started to ship again but the prices are inflated.  If a firm is shipping loads of guns then they will need to ship via sea and that takes 12 weeks or so.  

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