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The captain

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  • Guns
    ASG Scorpion Evo 3A1 Carbine, TM chrome Desert Eagle, Raven g18c, Hi Capa 5.1
  • Loadouts
    Double pistol or Deagle & Evo
  • Sites
    Bunker 51, Dogtag Holmbush, Erebor : Black Ops
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  1. This Invicta one looks brilliant. have you been is it good?
  2. Thank you for the reply man. In that case, are there any that are driving distance (1/2h) from london that are worth going to in your opinion?? and what would you say is the best/ your favourite CQB in SE? I live right on the m25 so dont have to do any city driving to hit Motorway luckily.
  3. Hey Guys, Thanks in advance if anyone can help or has more knowledge than me on this. I had no idea Gravesend tower block shut down, was just about to book. Are there ANY good CQB anywhere near london that ISNT bunker 51...As much as its good if its been a while, bunker is NOT it.
  4. This is the most exciting news I've read in weeks!! Cos I'm the same! Finally its here I've been in this forum for like 2 years ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜ญ @MrWilson, I've seen the Facebook, can I cheekily ask to get in on this invite only game on the 10th ๐Ÿ‘€
  5. I know how it goes no need for appology. Big shame about the office block that was shaping up to be something special. Fingers crossed this one is the one. In your own opinion, (I completely understand at this point you wont give any details until you have the keys and a pew pew date), where does the new potential site rank in terms of potential/cool factor in compared to the office block and the schools ?
  6. Wait...so its neither of the schools, and its not the office block? What site is it we are playing on ?
  7. Still excited to play (more so airsoft at this point than any particular site), but from the looks of these pictures, it looks like we were still a long way out even when we were excited about this opening in Feb/March before COVID was even a thing. I don't hold hopes of playing here in 2020.
  8. I'm just happy that I havent missed it this weekend, I'm back from Dubai on Wednesday so I'm there no matter what when this starts up.. any more hints as to when๐Ÿ‘€ ? @MrWilson
  9. If it IS the 6th, can someone upload their helmet CAM for me to pretend like i was there please ๐Ÿ˜ญ
  10. Sods law we wait 3 months and it might be on the 1 day that I've had holiday booked for about as long ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ญ that police vs terrorist idea does sound fantastic though. will it be every weekend from the 6th or will it be alternating weekends once it goes live ?
  11. Looks amazing! Can't wait to finally get going. I am praying because literally the one weekend i cant do in all of this year is March 7-8 ๐Ÿ˜ญ
  12. Thank you for the info. And more than understandable why you're playing it so close to your chest. 3 floors, 12 floors, 1 floor. I care not. I just want to pew pew in this building!
  13. Hope you are all well ! I know you are hesitant to give any details until 100% confirmed. But just so im 100% free and able to come when the day does arrive...is possible/likely to be this or next weekend ?๐Ÿ‘€
  14. fingers crossed we get the update this week, all my gear is prepared and ready incase there is a game on Saturday
  15. I think it would be cool to have a floor or two (different layouts obviously) that is almost like a post Disaster office. For example the whole open plan bit being covered in over turned tables for cover along with maybe old printers and wheely bins and possibly some chairs. and you can allow for people to move them maybe (or not for balancing reasons). That would provide interesting and varied CQB experience whilst also sticking with the theme of the building we are going to be in.
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