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Everything posted by RossF

  1. RossF

    THE TM MWS thread

    Have changed from edit permissions to comment permission and maybe every week or so I’ll add comments into the doc. If it becomes unmanageable I’ll go back to edit permissions and we can always revert if someone ruins it.
  2. RossF

    THE TM MWS thread

    For anybody that wants it, here is the link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10RLbvPbq-HXDayhcAIPHgoSTcFIcd3Q5PKZc288_tL0 Anyone with the link can edit the document so we can use it as a wiki. If you guys think it’ll be helpful let me know and I’ll post and request sticky.
  3. RossF

    THE TM MWS thread

    It’s funny you say that. I’ve done exactly that into a Google doc that I share with people from time to time. I was thinking of posting it as a new thread and requesting it be made sticky.
  4. RossF

    THE TM MWS thread

    Thanks! The Eagle6 videos are awesome too. Shows everything being disassembled and reassembled.
  5. RossF

    THE TM MWS thread

    I guess the correct phrasing would have been how intuitive is it to install these upgrades as without instructions you only have intuition! If there’s nothing massively challenging to trip me up I’ll give it a go.
  6. RossF

    THE TM MWS thread

    How hard is it to install these parts? I’ve never gone that deep into a GBBR before, and I’ve learnt from what little modding I’ve done that nothing comes with instructions, even illustrations..
  7. RossF

    THE TM MWS thread

    If you’re looking for one, I have my stock inner tucked away in the packaging my tightbore came in. DM me if you’d like it.
  8. RossF

    THE TM MWS thread

    My inner is 373mm so I don’t actually need a longer outer, I just prefer slightly more protrusion from the rail aesthetically. I also loathe suppressors. I’ll just run it as it is until I see a 16” or the extension somewhere, but I don’t have an issue with it as it currently is.
  9. RossF

    THE TM MWS thread

    Oh I see - thanks I’ll have a look
  10. RossF

    THE TM MWS thread

    I had no idea they existed - thanks. Just googled... man do I hate airsoft parts shopping; I’ve found some and it’s just a picture of a brass horse shoe. How is that helpful? I have no idea how it functions haha.
  11. RossF

    THE TM MWS thread

    Thanks! Yeah I definitely want the 16” so I have a couple more inches protruding but literally nowhere seems to have them UK based anyway. Wtf? Are you sure this isn’t an optical illusion? What if you put them on top of each other. And did the box say M4 or Type 89/M4. Is the colour the same?
  12. RossF

    THE TM MWS thread

    Thought I’d post how mine’s looking atm as I just stuck on a new stock. The only thing left is I want to swap my 14” outer for a 16” but nowhere seem to have stock, then I can call it done. I might stick an npas in later but probably won’t.
  13. RossF

    THE TM MWS thread

    Interesting, I see the reduced twang is listed as a feature haha! how have you found it otherwise in regards to the the feel? Does it reduce the recoil?
  14. RossF

    THE TM MWS thread

    Anybody got any suggestions on eliminating the ”twang” from the recoil spring? I’ve taken it out and put it back in a couple times but still get quite a twangy sound when firing.
  15. RossF

    THE TM MWS thread

    So when I was trawling through this thread before buying my MWS I saw somebody (I think W0lf) mention that RA-Tech do two NPAS, a silver one for WE that also fits the MWS and a black one specifically for the MWS. Apparently the black one holds it’s adjustment more consistently.
  16. RossF

    THE TM MWS thread

    I just played a Battlesim this weekend with mine. What specifically were you worried about? The obvious thing is that if the MilSim permit mid-caps that means you’re at a massive ammo disadvantage being stuck at 35 rounds and of course you need to consider whether or not you need to load gas on your person if it’s a 24/48 hour MilSim as that’s probably preferably to carrying a dozen or more £50 and heavy mags. Of course there is a mod you can do the mags to get 3+ fills out of them to alleviate this, but it still might not be enough depending on playstlye. On the ammo front, it’s less of a problem than at a skirmish that permit hi-caps so that point’s kind of irrelevant. In terms of ammo expenditure, I personally go through around 200 rounds in 6 hours as I fire exclusively on semi but that’s obviously down to personal play style more than anything else. Unless you have specific concerns/questions I’d say go for it. As with any gun you need to be mindful of it’s strengths and limitations but the MWS doesn’t pose any notable disadvantage I’d say beyond carrying gas, which is a bigger, more general question in the GBB versus aeg discussion rather than being unique to the MWS anyway. If you’re not sure whether it’s your mag or your loading method that’s causing the issues I’d suggest you use the pole and plunger included with your MWS just to test the mags out. I actually still use that even at games as I haven’t found a speed loader that works yet.
  17. RossF

    THE TM MWS thread

    Fire Support have got them in stock today. Looks like a load just got to UK retailers.
  18. RossF

    THE TM MWS thread

    Good to hear! Am running mine today at Airsoft Plantation and all seems fine propane wise etc. And the range I’m getting with .4s is ridiculous and it was over hopping them with a few clicks left so going to go up to .46. Edit: I seem to have the same propane issues again randomly mags only clearing half as if not full. Temps have been mid to late twenties. I’m going to Install o-rings as discussed above. What a pain. Otherwise performed beautifully, exceptional range. @Uncle Pauly just a heads up the Type 89 mags are a blue-grey satin finish whereas the mags you’re looking for are Matt grey. You might not mind but I really do so thought I’d let you know.
  19. RossF

    THE TM MWS thread

    Do the settings with this NPAS merely reduce the FPS by differing degrees or does one or more of the settings offer a boost to the FPS from stock?
  20. RossF

    THE TM MWS thread

    Interesting. Thanks for keeping us updated.
  21. RossF

    THE TM MWS thread

    That’s so strange. All I could think is it was temperature related if you were playing on a particularly hot day that maybe caused the valve to expand? I haven’t taken mine to a skirmish yet since doing the mods - I tested each mag at home and all seemed good - will update once I’ve taken it to Airsoft Plantation in a couple weeks. I thought silent fill with o-rings is best not to use as they prevent the displacement of regular air with propane?
  22. RossF

    THE TM MWS thread

    It’s not really any cheaper nowadays I don’t find (£7.99 for 700ml/300mgs propane versus £8.99 for the same size Abbey Vertex). Power - it’s the same as green gas. Green gas is just propane with some other bits added (oil and perfume I believe). As far as I know, (I’m no expert) all those other bits mixed in with Green Gas make it less stable as a gas, so you get more consistent FPS with propane. Propane is also more easily sourced - in all DIY stores. More importantly for me, it doesn’t contain any silicone oil and other random crap to blow all over the guns insides including the hop/bucking.
  23. RossF

    THE TM MWS thread

    So I just swapped out the stock fill valves for the TM GBB pistol ones on two of my 5 mags and my propane issues have been resolved with both. Tried filling them up and immediately I could feel it flowing into the mag in the same way I can the Vertex gas, and it was much clearer when it’s full (like the Vertex too). First mag I got 42 shots before hearing the change in tone (as the gas is getting low) and the second mag 49. Could have squeezed off 2-4 shots from each before it locked I’m sure but I like to test until the point where velocity goes down so I know the usable number rather than the absolute. Thanks again for the info, finally now I can go and install my new bucking etc.
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