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HuttArmouries last won the day on May 30

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About HuttArmouries

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  • Guns
    tm gbbrs and an a&k pkm
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    As light and simple as possible
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  1. Does anyone else get a bit anxious about having a  lot of money invested in one gun? 

    I recently picked up a real sword svd and it is a lovely gun. But im running into the same issue I did when I first picked up a tm recoil. It just feels like a lot of money to have in one place and Im not sure it feels like its worth it. At least I dont have the worries about breaking it like I did with the tm.

    but yeah. having a hard time justifying it in my mind especially when there are other more practical things I want for my work. 


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    2. Tactical Pith Helmet

      Tactical Pith Helmet

      I agree with what's been said already tbh but...


      I new a chap who's pension was largely made up of rare pistols that he and his father had collected.   They were handed in for a pittance after the pistol ban.   He lost scores of thousands.  I sometimes think of all the rifles, scopes etc that I have and wonder if I shouldn't sell it all whilst its still legal/useful.  


      Every cat shot with an air rifle, pillock with an airsoft pistol in public etc is another nail in shootings sports coffin if we don't organise ourselves properly.  


      Then again...  perhaps we ought to make hay while the sun shines.   You only live once after all.   Sod it, I'll order a Real Sword AK, a Rigby Highlander and a brace of Purdeys in the morning.   The I'll pay someone else to tell the Mrs...


    3. Shamal


      Years ago I bought myself a korg A3 guitar pedal board.it was 130 pounds.I agonised for weeks should I,shouldn't I,do I need it,can I justify having it?

      Eventually I went to guitar shop and purchased it.Couldn’t sleep that night through feeling guilty.After all that money could have bought a lot of food.

      Next day I took it back for refund.Still didn't feel better cause I didn't have what I wanted. 

      I realised after that I shouldn't feel guilty because I worked and I should be able to have something I wanted otherwise whats the point?

      And in reality nobody went hungry. Lol



    4. Tactical Pith Helmet

      Tactical Pith Helmet

      Funnily enough, I bought the lad a Donner pedal the other day so his Granddad's Strat sounds like Toni Iommi's guitar on Sabbath's first four albums.   He's only young once.  Agreed to pay for teching his VSR clone too.  


      FFS I insist on teaching him to box, he's due a few breaks...  

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