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  • Guns
    RA-TECH M14, TM VSR G-Spec, CM16 Mod 0, ARP9, TM Desert Eagle
  • Sites
    Dogtag Airsoft, Driverwood
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  1. Will need a few testers for a new price comparison website I'm developing for airsoft products. If you're interested, message me and I'll give you the run down. 


    I'll be making a topic about it when it's close to finishing.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ak2m4


      I knew I wasn't dreaming it 🙂 but those guys aren't doing prices just products

    3. Asomodai


      @ak2m4 Oh i have always used that site. There was another Uk based on that did prices. 

    4. JSmith97


      Hoping to combine all of that into one with my project (Every shop in UK/EU with prices and stock status). Currently got data pulling from 10 different shops and adding more - can normally add around 4 or 5 shops a day to the system. Will just need to start adding more products to the website as I currently only have all the weapons from one manufacturer just for testing. 

  2. Hi, I've had the drum mag for a few months now but now it has stopped feeding properly, I can wind it up but then it will only feed around 3 or 4 bb's and then will have to be wound up again. Just wondering if anyone knows how to fix this? Looked inside just to see if there was anything blocking it, was all clean inside. Haven't fully taken apart the spring mechanism though. Any help would be appreciated!
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