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    Guns. Lots of guns
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  1. Day 8 of lock down and i have to say I am (sort of) getting things done. 

    I have finally got my striker working to full capacity again and I am starting to consider sanding/sand blowing the outer barrel to create a "Silver Sable" kind of gun. Although I haven't been able to use it yet I am liking the British Army belt rig and it is a lot more comfortable than jerry rigged pile of trash that I was using before. Also who ever designed the detachable out barrel on the Ares M-45 is quite possibly insane, I needed another 3 pairs of hands just to put it all back together again!

    Sorry for all the ramblings but I have done all my jobs and now I am board🙃

    1. KingZi


      How bout work on the Kriss Vector, kited it out?

    2. Solly4568


      Actually I just got the extra feed lips and base plates for the mags and they work like a charm, I am thinking of getting a red dot sight somewhere down the line but for now, I really like the iron sights

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