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Everything posted by Jimbodini42

  1. Thanks 🙅🏻‍♂️ QUESTION - anyone used the tech services at bombupairsoft?? Problems or recommendation? https://bombupairsoft.co.uk/products/airsoft-weapon-service
  2. Saw and immediately thought EG but website is so annoying to navigate! Can’t even see if they do thunders and bb ‘nades!?
  3. Hi QUESTION - Where’s a good place to get bulk mixed pyro?? Can’t find anywhere Uk based other than https://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/battle-box-woodland-small-box and they are all sold out thanks
  4. Would very much like to see a snippet of footage! 👌🏻
  5. Have you had a stock DMR other than RAPPAX? If so, How does it compare as stock to others? Just wondering if your not as good as would like opinion is based on other dmrs or what hoped with first DMR if that makes sense? I fancy a DMR but fully reckon the prospect of multiple accurate shots from distance won’t be quite as good in reality anyway so am cautious
  6. QUESTION 1: do these mags https://www.bullseyecountrysport.co.uk/we-airsoft-co2-magazine-for-m1911-6m-bbs-softair-black-14794-p.asp The shop I bought it from said it could take C02 mags but I’m doubtful and every co2 mag they sell that 1911 they’ve since said incompatible. Asked Bullseye about this mag but because they don’t sell that pistol they aren’t sure. fit in this pistol?: (See pic) it’s a WE Desert warrior 4.3 Tan. MEU series. QUESTION 2: Does the LMT M203 SHORT https://www.bullseyecountrysport.co.uk/airsoft-lmt-m203-grenade-launcher-short-barrel-5249-p.asp Fit and work with Tag launcher shells such as: https://www.airsoftworld.net/tag-innovation-launcher-multi-range-shell-launcher-single.html. Does it also work with the non-HPA version (Green gas version)? cheers
  7. The RPG26 fire moscarts? Where’d you get the casing?
  8. Hey man thanks for input. Sorry to be dense but what exactly do you mean by problem with hop lift? Basically as stock was it not lifting bbs much over .25? Ta!
  9. V.cool. What was the original performance like before the upgrades? Thought it had a tight barrel as standard?
  10. Bump on this as also interested. Anyone got a decent view good or bad on these? Think I prefer M3 or M4 more in terms of looks but guessing they’re same performance wise and it’s just cosmetic differences?
  11. Don’t know why my second question was merged and couldn’t change it! (Above)
  12. Ta and ta! QUESTION:- Anyone know of an UK shop that stocks the new Bolt MP5K PDW? I’ve seen 1-2 stock the J series but that’s it. video for reference - last couple of minutes of it.
  13. QUESTION:- People rave about both Maple leaf Hop up rubbers & runs and then TM Hop ups. Why don’t people suggest putting a TM hop up into AEG’s or Maple leafs into TM guns??? More of just a random thought more than anything else!
  14. Yeah but don’t want one that needs priming with a rod and with multiple bangs in base but there isn’t one!
  15. shame! I really fancy one but I would always play a mix of woodland and CQB and been able to drop onto outside ground is a must for me! try different heights on drop? I managed to get my trmr to set off a few times and developed a bit of a knack of deploying it but never ended up trying it during game and face embarrassment of not firing!
  16. Tested a few bangs yet? I fancy one but heard not that good..? Can’t see how they aren’t - look mint!
  17. Hi all *** can’t work out how to turn to RED on phone **** QUESTIONS: 1) Do very old (15 years old) Tokyo Mauri MP5 mags fit newer MP5k’s? Thinking specifically the Jing Gong make. 2) I’m sure years ago you could buy a new front end for MP5k’s that had a light and a laser - Anywhere still sell these? (Initial searches for MP5K accessories come up very short). ——- also it’ll be a non ris version. 3) ICS L85 - says Stanag for the mags - do all mags fit? Including Box mags?? Also do TM recoil M4 mags fit? Thanks!!!
  18. Been there 3 times now and gained membership - cannot speak highly enough of the staff and site. Its a a small place but really good fun and really well run. I’ve only been going for short times mainly to get registered for UKARA and they didn’t even mind me changing the numbers in terms of teams - they got it and basically didn’t treat me like the bit of a dick I was being. Now ive got my rif I’ll be going for full evenings and I think this is a great strength of the site - open 7 days a week and can go for half hour to a few hours of frantic fun. I had battery issues with my old AEG and a slide issue with my GBB pistol and they fell over themselves to help which is always nice. Everything you need on site and other shops nearby for food should you need it. I imagine games might be a tad repetitive but that’s issue with a lot of sites. They do have other things on hand to spice it up like a bomb, fake money cache and noticed disks laying around that I imagine is search and collect style. Also love the kill counter - they have an electronic button at respawn that counts deaths - obviously lower the number for your team the better. Recommend a visit ultimately.
  19. What’s the scope on Halo Mill then? 


    Sounds like its it’s a small venue but could be perfect for me getting back into the swing of things. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jimbodini42


      Just because I’d feel harsh asking the venue - are they quite happy for you to just go for an hour or 2 or is that situation just at specific times? Does it kind of ruin it for others? 

    3. cropzy


      I've been plenty of times for an hour. You pay what you play. So you get like 4 hours for a tenner if you bring your own kit. You could turn up do 1 game and be off. Nobody complains.

    4. Jimbodini42




      Very helpful - thank you. 



  20. Anyone been recently and can offer any opinions? Thanks in advance,
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