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Everything posted by Duff

  1. It sold though. Weren't these intended to utilise some form of laser-tag technology with the PEQ laser?
  2. Oooh I will hold you to having a pew on your pew! As for sacrificing organs and eyeballs... you know full well I don't stand by mesh eye pro mate! Could probably do with some help on my build in all seriousness, it's a bit wobbley.
  3. Yeah I can understand someone with your elite ninja sarcasm skills need a much wider audience?
  4. Looks to me like he just spammed the field with 12345. He really should indicate a budget as per posting rules.
  5. I wouldn't be surprised if that resulted in a forum ban for all involved.
  6. This dude is still dreaming.... had to message him to advise him.
  7. Tbh I have no fucking clue it's all queer to me mate!
  8. Green mask with Flecktarn troos and a multicam PC? Oh the humantiy!!!!!
  9. I really like the wrap on this, looks professionally done and makes the rifle look awesome. What a great "custom" bargain rifle.
  10. Fair points. I mean even at £650 new does it really warrant increase of £500 based off the modifications? It's a lotta wonga for a "second hand" RIF.
  11. Actually have reserves about this.... a grand? Am I missing something....
  12. I prefer lenses that don't have gaps between them and the frames!
  13. Yeah but still that just about covers the asking price. £37 for the torch, £30 for the mags x4. This is even better though. £199.99 RRP or £200 used. That extra shell is probably worth the penny.
  14. That Nighthawk grip is lush!
  15. No worries mate, how are you healing?
  16. I'm just messing dude sorry not trying to be a dick! Just wish they were that price for medium and was posted two weeks ago.
  17. https://sites.google.com/view/airsofteventsuk New airsoft directory to help you find a site near you.
  18. Maybe let your neighbours know beforehand that you're playing with a toy gun in the garden so they don't assume the worst should they see you.
  19. Under 18 so you cannot legally buy one but you can own one. Shooting outside is fine as long as your garden is enclosed. Back garden not front garden haha.... And don't shoot any animals or I'll find you....
  20. I sincerely enjoy debating on these forums. Easily one of the best communities I've ever joined. 


    I love you gays!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Duff


      Only if it's your shit!

    3. warlord


      I ruined a perfectly good bollocking with that phrase.


      I was tearing into a support company for their lack of response and ended the message with "... so I will expect you to get in touch with my gays." click send - DAMNI T!

    4. djben9


      your are the Master.....:lol::rolleyes:

  21. £35 new or £25 used, faded and worn to fuck.
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