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Gigy Beast

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Posts posted by Gigy Beast

  1. Yeah mate I get that.

    I think I am okay with those sites that's just capture the flag or defend this complex and ya know if I want an easy simple day of bang bang and go home then cool.

    But I think I am just looking for something a little more out of my day and where do I go for it.

    There's are a couple of sites with this simple game play within 30 mins of me but I think i just want a bit more without going full mil sim lol


    1 hour ago, Adolf Hamster said:

    there's always an aspect to a game folk don't like.


    simple games (for a hobby where understanding the complex rules such as when you get hit your out, don't shoot people after they put their hand up, don't be an ass etc are often too complex for grown men to adhere to) can be handy for preventing undue conflict.

    However, a fixed respawn team deathmatch wether there's macguffins thrown in or not will always descend into a boring stalemate defined by whichever team ran fastest out of spawn and got all the good spots.


    complex games tend to descend into chaos the first time they're tried, folk forget rules. of course if its played often enough to the point where the marshall can go "it's the doodadamajig game" works fine for regulars, except where newcomers raise their hand at the start to ask the rules and had a 3-page rules list explained in 30 seconds. then regulars lose their shit because they missed the bit where they were only supposed to respawn 3 times after the first 2 flags had been captured but only once if the enemy team had crossed the bridge but back to unlimited if the defenders manage to get 4 whirligig's around the vip.


    it's why i'm a fan of the simple fall-back, simple enough that *most* folk can get their head around the concept and keeps the game moving so a stalemate can be broken by effort rather than simply waiting 30 minutes.


    but then plenty of people hate fall back games because the defending team always "loses", because apparently you can't have fun if you aren't winning.


  2. Okay thanks for the reply's.

    I am just gonna say, I am not throwing a tantrum or anything like that, Its more of a question to see what you guys think to sites gameplay.

    I have been to probably 8 different airsoft sites and really only come across 1 or 2 that really utilise all of the facilities they have and have really cool and intuitive gameplay, multi game objectives etc etc....

    I think maybe my rant might have lost its context but I am sure we have all been through it when you come away from a days airsofting thinking, meh that could have been better and come away at the end of the day going, that was awesome....I wanna find more of those sites. 

    10 hours ago, Tommikka said:

    What’s the medic rule that they run?

    **** up front declaration - I occasionally run events and I collect rule sets so that I can see what I fancy trying or modifying 

    Elimination, respawn and medic rules can make or break a game/mission format


    By zombie type game are you referring to zombie experience full days, zombie missions or magic respawn trees?





    So they run a fairly simply medic rule, to every 5 or 10 players there will be a medic, which has different coloured tape on their arms along with the tape of their team.

    So to get back into the game, you have a 60 second bleed out time before you can walk back to spawn or wait till a medic gets to you, they tend to give the medics out to guys who are familiar with the site and by doing this guys who are new to the site tend to stick with guys that know the site and it works really really well, breaks down barriers of getting the team to work well together and creates groups of guys who have comms who can communicate with other groups, I know its a simple rule and I am sure it has its downsides but the few times I have been to the site the rule just makes the day run amazingly well.


    The site that adopts this game has a very large site and tends to attract a lot of players, they run a game on the first Saturday of each month and run multi objective games that last some time, tends to be first game is a couple of hours, the 2 long games in the afternoon.

  3. Its not a post to name and shame a site as I know guys put a lot of a time and effort in and sometimes games themselves or entire days just don't go to play and also it might just have been one of those days that they didn't use parts of the field for whatever reason, rain fall/fencing....any reason, its more a post to highlight exactly what I am not looking for and in peoples opinion in the midlands ish area where would we find the best sort of gameplay

  4. So guys!

    Permission to rant......well I am gonna do it anyway hahaha

    I have never posted anything like this before but I feel that now is a good time to start!

    I have been Airsofting for 12 years, first game was on my 16th Birthday, I am 28 now....based in the midlands. Hope you enjoyed the life story.

    I have been to a fair few sites across the Midlands and tbh...I am getting cheesed off with this silly effing "Zombie" type games and just general B.S game play, I played a new site today after reading nothing but great reviews and tbh, me and my guys (4 of us) thought it was pretty poor.

    First Game was okay, but the other games basically ended up in people spawn camping and at one point both sides had the same spawn....I mean come on!


    I am not going to name this site as I know many guys love it and I may give it another go but on face value it just wasn't for me, HOWEVER, I will name a site that is in my opinion by far the best for overall game play, site itself, Marshalls and pretty much everything and that is Fireball Airsoft in Sutton Coldfield, oh and the medic rule they run....why the hell aren't all sites doing what these guys do I do not know., if you have been there then you know.

    So anyway, rant over, for you fairly serious Airsoft guys who enjoy something a bit more than "go walking round the woods for the next 2 hours looking for an ammo tin" or "we are gonna play this game on this boring road and completely forget about the awesome complex/helicopter/fort/tank we have over the side of the site" and enjoy sites that have cool facilities and know how to use them then let me know.

    P.S sorry if this thread should be someplace else more specific and I am just a tad blunt so please don't take anything personally as I don't set out to offend anyone, I just want to find some new cool sites that have some great semi complex gameplay.

  5. So I took it apart, found that the rear section was out of alignment so pushed it back, seems to be okay, HOWEVER!!! on testing found you cannot chrono anything it the day light, needs to be done in a dark ish room, guess it works so that’s something, might wrap some tape around it and see if that helps 

  6. My Nuprol AC100 Chrono won't give me a read out....😬

    Any one had any issues with such a bit of kit before, is it worth taking apart to see and if so is there anything I could do with looking out for?

    Many thanks

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