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Skara last won the day on February 24 2023

Skara had the most liked content!


Profile Information

  • Guns
    Cyma CM.045, Specna C-02 and C-08, KA 9mm PDW, Action Army T-11,2x AAP-01, TM MK23 and G17.
  • Loadouts
    Ranger Green, A-Tacs iX stuff for the most part.
  • Sites
    Private Team Site (Italy)
  • Gender
  • Location
    La Spezia, Italy
  • Interests
    Scuba Diving, Ski, MTB, Bushcraft, Mechanical stuff, Architecture.

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  1. First game of 2021 tomorrow..

    Feels like I haven't played in years :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Impulse


      Jealous, but have fun!

    3. Skara


      In theory sports can't be practiced unless they are of national relevance, we (federation) just engineered a workaround :)

      Airsoft per se isn't a sport, Practical Shooting with an airsoft gun is and has national relevance for some shady reason.

      So we had to register our competitions under practical shooting, since it's of national relevance we are allowed to train and travel unless we are in a tier 3 region. As of now Italy is just tier 1 and 2.

      In theory we have a tier 0 zone where most of the stuff is open and only a mask is required but no region has gone tier 0 yet (and it's unlikely to happen since the parameters to get in there are pretty much pre covid)..

      Either way I'll bring the wanker M4s to try out :) kinda want to snipe but the part of the filed we are playing in sucks for sniping as anything longer than a 10" M4 gets tangled everywhere.

    4. Skara


      Just to make you more jealous, we had a blast today!

      Played in the new area that we cleared before Christmas, gun behaved extremely well apart from a really bad scratch in my zci tightbore (throws off some shots), ended up being soaking wet but with a huge smile on my face ;)


      Next Sunday, sniper time.

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