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Gepard last won the day on February 19 2019

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Profile Information

  • Guns
    CM16, CM16 Mod 0, ICS L85A2, WE G19 G4, ASG M40A3, LCT AKM
  • Loadouts
    British Infantry (Afghan MTP, Iraq DPM)
  • Sites
    Alpha 55, Outpost, The Ex Site, Bristol Airsoft, Spartan Airsoft,
  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Flying, shooting, gaming.

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  1. How much does a second hand TM AK sell for nowadays? Thinking of buying one but can't price check. 

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    2. Gepard
    3. Prisce


      Yeah that’s not a recoil, so that price seems about right. I paid £225 for my TM M4 high cycle and sold it for the same a year later. AKs aren’t as sort after. 



    4. Gepard


      I'm tempted, I admit. The plastic wood is a bit of a dealbreaker for me though and replacement kits aren't cheap. 




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