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    One or two...
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    Ok...Multicam in the closet now...Hello Woodland, so much better!
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    Various around W.Midlands etc..
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    Pew Pew...

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  1. Want to buy brand new A&K M60 for £160?  https://www.sixmm.com/collections/on-sale/products/a-and-k-full-metal-mk43-mod-0-airsoft-aeg?fbclid=IwAR1Va3hgjDcxrf8fQNvqMnbttOJ9vUKQi8QKermG1EsLTaybVyJT5o5UJEI


    I've bought a lot of bits & pieces from these guys..but buying a RIF.. I dunno....import fees & tax's will be quite heavy...and considering Chinese have a habit of saying they are toy parts and rifs being siezed and destroyed..from what've i've seen in forums/reddit.. Think I'll pass on this...

    1. Rogerborg


      Yup, I'm now only ordering small stuff from Abroadland that I can afford to write off.  No chance would I gamble on a RIF at the moment.


      Still, this is all great news for the UK's local airsoft manufactu- awwww. :( 

    2. Cr0-Magnon


      Also check reviews of that site....

    3. Monkman



      Yep, seen the reviews but I have ordered a lot of bits from then in the past..all arrived ok, but not a RIF though.  Last order was for x4 Gas mags for the AK and tools and addons.  Got burned by the whole shitfest that was getting a rif from the EU...won't ever import one again, even from China.  :)  Parts/bits ok, but not full on Rifs.


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