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    Ok...Multicam in the closet now...Hello Woodland, so much better!
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    Various around W.Midlands etc..
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  1. I have to say.. HPA saved my game day today.  Chrono this site was using was throwing up big numbers..  My G&G is set to 330fps and on their chrono throwing up 360+fps.  (My chrono shows it to be 330fps)  They wouldn't allow me to use it.....as I had recently re-did the paint scheme.  So switched to my MTW and stood there changing the fps on it till they were happy...had to take it down to 80ps!! to get under their chrono limit.

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    2. Monkman


      First & Only - The Jungle.  - Basic site, but was a fun day and the marshals (other than the dodgy chrono) were on top form.  Not once did I see anyone not taking their hits and marshals always seemed to be in the right place most of the time.  Just a bummer at the start and a joke when they brought another chrono out after lunch... Next time I will insist on x2 chrono check or use my own....if I go back, yesterday was a taster game to see what it's like.  I usually go solo and test different places when my team mates can't play.  :)

    3. hitmanNo2


      You would think that after a few people questioned the readings of the first chrono, they would check with their other one...

    4. Monkman


      I think at the time as we were out in a open field...the sunlight was too strong to see the readout...but hey ho, it's there rules...  Just a shame I couldn't run my G&G after I gave it a fresh paint job the night before. :)

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