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    Ok...Multicam in the closet now...Hello Woodland, so much better!
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  1. Question!  Realistically, how long could you run an AEG on 11.1's before things go tits up without a mosfet?  I've seen multiple AEG's running without them and people say it's fine...but seen a lot of info saying you should run a mosfet.  For a gun which is lets say £200-300..is it not just better to run it till it breaks and if it does then upgrade, rather than spend another £100+ on a titan etc..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      Took my f2000 about 6 months to burn out the semi contacts.


      Unless its a unicorn gun with some weird trigger contact arrangement you can go without until it dies, for v2/3 boxes they aint expensive/difficult to replace.


      Of course if your gonna titan then even better as titan removes the trigger contacts anyway.


      The main reason mosfets and lipos get mentioned in the same sentence is battery protection, a good mosfet will stop you overdischarging. Whilst you *can* get away without it you need to be very concious to stop shooting the moment it starts to flag a bit and not just shoot till it stops.

    3. Skara


      My AM013 has been running on 11.1s for 2 years since the last service.. No issues at all.

      My 009 on the other hand underwent several services to make it run reliably on 11.1s..


      Regarding your question: high voltage batteries destroy mechanical trigger contacts without a mosfet.

      The voltage is so high it creates a voltaic arc between the trigger blades, in the long run they oxidize and literally burn themselves into oblivion. Mosfets just take the stress away from the trigger..

      If you're upgrading to a titan you may as well kill the standard trigger and then upgrade, as you'll be throwing them away anyway 

    4. Monkman


      Ok, guys..thanks for the info. :)  Merry Crimbo!

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