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    Ok...Multicam in the closet now...Hello Woodland, so much better!
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  1. Need help!..When filling my Tokyo Marui HK45 pistol mags with greengas, I have an issue with a lot of gas/liquid not actually going in and spurting everywhere from the gas fill nozzle and valve..some gas goes in but a lot just goes everywhere..this happens on all 3 of my mags.  I've removed all the valves, lubed them with silicon oil, screwed them back in gently, but still get a lot of excess spurting out when filling..they never did it when new.  Any thoughts or tips?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Asomodai


      Have you ever had a TM before? This is standard behaviour when filling mags. They are quite sloppy to fill and the gas gets sloppier when they are full. 


      If its not that then I have far better results with Plastic nozzles. 

    3. heroshark


      better with a plastic nozzle 


    4. Monkman


      Well just tried the silent fill o-rings, which were a bugger to put on, but sadly it's made the problem even worse...liquid greengas goes everywhere. I think I need new valves..but can't find any atm. :(

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