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Everything posted by Tabitha

  1. Tabitha

    Storage clearing

    Good morning. I'm interested in the metal M4 upper and lower on the left side, middle. I am not able to collect, (I actually can't walk, literally, at the moment), so would like to ask what the total cost for the upper & lower plus the postage would be please. Hopefully I'm not too late. Gratefully Tom.
  2. I'll buy it! PM you now. 😸
  3. 🤣🤣 In the small picture that sits on the forum for sale list, I swear I thought you were selling Grey cotton combat Y fronts! I nearly spilt my tea!
  4. I messaged you last night asking to purchase this magazine. I hope it's still available.
  5. Tabitha

    Picatinny mini red dot

    Good morning. Please excuse my sneezes. I think I'm coming down with a case of Ebola, or maybe a cold. *SNEEZE!* If they're still available, I'd like to put my name in for consideration on the Red dot sight and the Glock picatinny rail. I'm Tabi by the way. You might have heard of me . . 🤣
  6. Tabitha

    Madbull ACE SOCOM AEG stock

    Good. Glad you've got others interested. 👍
  7. Tabitha

    Madbull ACE SOCOM AEG stock

    What do you think the chances of this stock being compatible with my M4 build? (CYMA CM506 M4 CQB RIS AEG) I think very slim but definitely worth my asking just incase.
  8. Spooky! A good friend of mine has helped me with MY TM G17 after I upgraded mine to Guarder slide, frame, springs, sights, etc etc. It is up to you of course, but if you'd prefer to keep it instead selling then I can take a look at the rear chassis, hammer mechanism and trigger functions. I've had mine in individual parts over the last 2 weeks so everything is still terrifyingly fresh in regards to disassembly, reassembly and just how the internals SHOULD look. I immediately have a couple of thoughts of what to look at concerning the fault you've described. I will say immediately though that I can not purchase it from you as I do not have an exemption. I would solely be looking at it and fixing, if I can, any issues that stand out. I wouldn't charge anything to take a look/fix anything, if I could, if you wanted me to. If you'd rather the sale then I totally understand and hope you get one quickly . . which you should do . . she's the perfect gun to use for parts and fixing. 😸 Tabi (Tom)
  9. Tabitha

    We meu

    Incase you wanted to keep it, I have a couple of MEUs and the PLUNGER SPRING, as well as the SLIDE STOP PLUNGER and SAFETY CATCH PLUNGER are three of the parts that I've purchased a couple of times, as such, I know where they are stocked and NOT costly. Say if you decide to keep the sidearm and wish the details. I've included a picture of one of my MEUS that have had the plunges and spring fitted/replaced.
  10. Curious . . I know/assume the grips aren't real wood, but the frame of the piece, is that all metal? Thanks Tabi.
  11. Didn't want you to be shafted on price by someone who might not care about doing so. . . I wasn't going to jump in and throw my £55 at you and run for the hills . . honest! . . 😈 . . *evil laughter*
  12. ** DO YOU MEAN TO SELL AT THAT PRICE? ** This might be a mistake on my part, if so, I'm sorry, but you're advertising your rifle for £55.00. Make sure you meant to list at that price! Tom.
  13. Was worried there for a moment. I read the opening discription 'Full disclosure. This . . Brown dog poo . . ' and thought you were saying that the gun had been in dog poo for months! Lol.
  14. Perfect for home protection! 😲
  15. That is an amazing piece of kit. I wish you luck on getting a clean, quick sale.
  16. Tabitha

    Genuine HERA Arms CQR stock

    Gorgeous!! I wish you luck on the sale. 😺 Tom
  17. I hope you DO get the sale, I genuinely do. I was just surprised to see that figure. Well, surprised, shocked, gobsmacked, all the same. I wish you luck. Tabi.
  18. Good evening. I have a TM Glock 26 like yourself. I've made some improvements to mine as you can see in the photos I've DM'd you. My question is about the magazine extension. Please, where did it come from? I've been looking for exactly that but to no avail. Thank you for your help.  Gratefully  Tom.
  19. Not a question, more member-to-member support. You've got an amazing rifle there. Just reading the specs on it had me googling the sale price of human kidneys on the Welsh black market. I hope you get the sale price you want and quickly. It's worth it. (Incidentally, human adult kidney, booze / drug free, no damage, about £1200 - £1300. Quick sale price, £650 - £690. 😂)
  20. Evening Adenis.


    I've messaged you a question concerning something.


    (Yep. A HUGE amount of info right there. ^_^)


    The message will explain. 


    Hope to hear back soon. Will give it a couple of days and assess then.






  21. We are now up against live, hostile targets. So, if Little Red Riding Hood should show up with a bazooka and a bad attitude, I expect you to chin the bitch. I want nothing short of 

    gratuitous violence from the lot of you! Just 'cause we're firing BBs doesn't mean we have to be thinking nice thoughts!


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tabitha


      That got put into the wrong box and I just didn't have the heart to move it.

      Actually, I sent it before I went into surgery and found the mistake after I woke up. Was too busy trying to focus my eyes and not be sick to do much.

    3. Lozart
    4. Tabitha




      The SPOON is not part of you; 

      YOU are part of it! 

      Search your feelings. You know it to be true.

      Only together can we stand tall, be shiny and never bend.

      Cutlery is not the answer.


      It never was . . . .

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