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Everything posted by Caj109

  1. Which kind of red dots do you use? Ones I'm looking at are scope types I suppose not open ones
  2. Thanks for that, no magnifier just the red dot sight I've seen which will go on an M4 Specna. Suppose like you said it shouldn't have much affect at distance and cover the person loads, good to know. And help pin point the area. Thanks! Not looking to spend loads so will only be somewhat a cheap red dot sight. Good to know it shouldn't have much affect. Thanks for the reflection thing, don't know much about them as never bought one before Cheers
  3. Hello, I've been looking at some vector red dot sights and just curious what the best MOA to go with for these? Seen a cheaper 5MOA one at the moment but unsure if that's too big of a red dot size. There's others that are 3 MOA. I mainly play in woodland. This will go on an Specna M4
  4. Had to get one and other bits as on sale on airsoftworld.net! Waiting for green gas to turn up to give it a go.
  5. Has to get one and other bits while on sale at airsoftworld.net! Just waiting for some green gas to give it a go.
  6. Thanks very much Colin! I'll have a go through the chrono to gauge an idea then look at the options. Cheers
  7. Yeah was only on about a tech as never taken it apart myself before but no harm in seeing how to and giving it a go. Much appreciated for the advice, suppose I'll get it down and run some bbs through the chrono to see how it's holding up. Will charge the batteries to see if any good, if not hows best to dispose of them? How do I know if my airseal is good still on the piston? Or if its bad? I know about ak2m4 as bought bits off him before like better spring and bits. Found a dissembly video of my gun so can take the top receiver off fine to get to the nozzle seems easy enough to spray something in there for sure after trying the gun out Thanks Gun is an Specna Arms SA-E03 Yeah can't remember it's position on the spring but has a quick change spring system as I've changed it before. Think it's just time and space to take it apart as got a 1 year old that doesn't sit still haha! Why I was gonna see about a tech as one down the road from me. Yeah got a chrono with all the gear so will set it up and see what the guns pulling after the years. How to tell is the airseal isn't too good anymore? Found a dissembly video of my gun so can take the top receiver off fine to get to the nozzle easy to get tk the nozzle so will give it a go Thanks
  8. Thanks! Yeah I think I might just get the gun into a tech in the new year to service it and do other bits. Would the spring be naff now its been sat under tension? I'll grab the charger down and have a look Tbh the bbs are 0.25 and gonna look at 0.28s going forward so will see Cheers
  9. Hello, Ive not played airsoft in a few years, but planning on getting back into it come spring. My gun and other bits have been on the loft all this time. Would it be wise to get my gun looked over by a tech before using again? And worth binning my bbs I have in the case in the bottle container? I might look at getting .28s going forward. Plus my lipo batteries were put into storage mode using my B6 Imax charge when I last played, would these be fine to use still or replace? Can get the charger out to check them over. Last time I checked them no bulging. Any other things to do before coming back? Thanks
  10. Didn't know well suppose not looked into it much. But true sourcing at the current times isn't the easiest.
  11. Some new Battleaxe mid-caps! Bought from patrol base but seems they get it from taiwangun anyways according to the lovely label 😂
  12. Thanks mate for the reminder! Not had a chance to have a proper look yet as busy but will get round to it later!
  13. My first gun finally came! I know its two tone but it works out the same if i rented. Cost wise. Specna Arms SA-E03 2 x 7.4 Lipos NUPROL Case All ready for Saturday just got to test fire it later!
  14. All set on bbs and chrono! Hopefully my Gun will come tomorrow ready for Saturday! Wait in for UPS 😬
  15. Caj109


    Just received my package from Pete, quick and prompt delivery. I accidently selected two of one item and messaged him to change it to one and he was quick in refunding me the overcharge! Top notch service 👍
  16. New little toy👌, ready for changing over to deans!
  17. Starting to get things! Charger and lipo bag. Mind the bag was bigger than I thought haha!
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