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Everything posted by Caj109

  1. Nah first time for motor, once I've checked the gearbox and all there you could be right just picked up a spare as magnet.
  2. I've only ever changed the hop and barrel never had the gearbox apart myself. I'll split the gun and have a look see if it's the top row hopefully as never had gearbox fully out. Had the gun 3 years but only recently took apart to change barrel and that so weird if it is gearbox screw. Thanks
  3. Hello, I've just changed my motor in my specna arms edge and when pulling the specna motor out this screw was magnetised to it. Does anyone know where its from? I've checked in the grip and all 4 at the bottom connecting to the lower are all in place. Thanks
  4. Nice setup! How are the magazines in the lid held in place? Just a strap that goes under the foam?
  5. Thanks very much for this, good to know if go for that route. Think belt for now which should be fine for.
  6. Just bought a CTM holster for the AAP-01, along with a replacement charging spring for my Specna M4 from airsoft world ready for first game back in airsoft in a few years. Anyone know what the additional plates with the holster are for?
  7. Good to hear think I have some PLA+ lying about, think I should the printer out someday to have a go! Thanks
  8. What material would you print this in? Suppose has to last.
  9. Did you just email these people? Funny enough mines just broken on me when putting my gun back together along with the spring being stretched.
  10. Haha he found one around for me at 380mm length! I'll get it a go once I can put it in the gun
  11. Caj109


    Always a pleasure ordering from here, never had any issues. Ordered one of his new XT 6.02 Inner barrels and a maple leaf 60 bucking & nub.
  12. Bought a new XT inner barrel and maple leaf 60 bucking and nub from our friend @ak2m4
  13. Okay sounds good, if you have any 380mm or 363mm laying around, happy to try it out. Or if best wait for your 6.03 ones to come about if 6.01 jam more often, suppose an unknown if they will on my gun. As planning on ordering the spring and bucking set when you're back open. yeah my specna arms edge sa-e03 is still standard gearbox wise no changes there as only planning on doing the inner barrel while got apart to change the bucking and nub. Cheers
  14. That is understandable if the quality has dropped to not stock them, oh no that's a shame its broken your new bore scope! Hopefully a replaceable part. Yeah I have been following slightly as getting back into airsoft regarding your new inner barrels, and recall you waiting for them to come across and that. Is there much difference between the 6.01 & 6.03 like performance? If you have that would be perfect as looking to get a maple leaf 60 bucking and the nub set from yourself too. No harm in waiting for the 6.03 if best. Was gonna ask you too I bought a rocket 105 spring probably 2020 as last played then, would you suggest replacing it as been at tension all them years? I did fire some 0.25g bbs from it and getting 0.9joules from it after getting it back down from the loft. As looking to go to 0.28g bbs and thinking about going for a 100 spring but need to check the joules out with the current spring at 0.28g first to see where its sitting. Thanks
  15. Would anyone know if airsoft websites are getting the ctm aap-01 holster back in stock? Seems tk be out of stock everywhere. Unless they've replaced it with the galaxy one now?
  16. Thanks, have been meaning to ask if you're getting ZCI inner barrels back in stock? As planning on making an order for bits. Thanks
  17. Nope just wasn't sure if the length is essential, but makes sense to keep the same length. Thanks I'll try get hold of a 380mm barrel
  18. Hello, Just took my hop unit and inner barrel out to measure as different lengths on Google for my gun. Seems its measuring about 380mm. As im looking to upgrade the barrel as gonna change the bucking too, Should I keep the same length or go for 363mm? Seems the current inner barrel reaches to the end of the outer barrel then it has a flash hider on the end currently. Gun is an Specna Arms SA-E03 Thanks
  19. Needed a gas block to replace my front iron sights, got this from airsoft world.net and they gave me a free patch and a bounty! Thankfully I don't mind a bounty, controversial topic 😂
  20. Thanks very much both, if no issues with using it then. I'll give it a light coat of silicone oil to avoid damaging it when putting back together. Cheers
  21. Hello, In due time once everyone's back from Christmas break I'm gonna order a maple leaf macaron 60 bucking and nub for my M4. but from googling and videos people seem to put silicone oil on the outside of the bucking to aid the hop unit to move over it? Or should I totally avoid any chemicals on the rubber and leave dry? Thanks
  22. I know this is an old thread just thought to put my input. I have two 7.24 lipos that have been in storage mode for the past 2-3 years from when I played last using the skyrc charger. Plugged them in recently and still reading 3.81v per cell on both batteries, charged and discharged fine ready for airsoft next year. My understanding storage mode puts the cells to 3.85v No bulging in them either, just stayed within a lipo safe bag.
  23. Thanks very much for that as I've actually ordered it to give it a go! Perfect if good for an M4 as what's I run myself and in woodland so a good one to get. Much appreciated
  24. Thanks for that, I'll have a gander! The one I've been looking at is this one https://www.opticswarehouse.co.uk/vector-victoptics-1x35-rd-scope Cheaper at the moment
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