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  • Guns
    Nuprol Delta Pioneer Defender

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  1. Sounds like another brand snob who can't take that a gun costing £200 less than a TM can do just as well, see this is the reason why every airsofter I've ever mentioned this forum to has said its nothing but heavily opinionated, snobbish c***s, I'm out, I don't need to prove myself to the aforementioned group of people.
  2. You're a betting man? I'll put 10K down I ping one off your eye pro before you even know where I am
  3. If you read prior replies you'll see I meant feet, all these guys were crying at 2" group on 50 feet, which is fairly easy to achieve, so maybe they just suck and we can actually shoot lol
  4. Blue banana? Reminds me if the time I pulled that mucky looking bird in town, morning after I looked down and.. MOVING ON...
  5. I've always liked scars, only gun I really hate is pretty much anything from hi-point, nobody wants to buy their actual guns, so why anyone would want an airsoft copy is beyond me XD
  6. I like AUGs, great for CQB and indoor battles, its when someone shows up to a tight CQB site with a 26" barreled SR25 that it gets to head shaking time, poor lad was cannon fodder at best
  7. I hadn't quite got the acog perfectly zerod at the time of shooting, surprised to hear that, I've put over 40,000 rounds through mine without the slightest issue.
  8. You shouldn't assume its impossible to shoot a decent group at a distance either, git gud kid
  9. Because that target was shot by a £20 springer at 10 feet, you do know people can own more than one gun right? No? Proud to be the bearer of good news
  10. Butt hurt seasoned noobie detected
  11. Of course! Now I know what you're thinking.. That doesn't look like a pencil! And you would be right! It isn't! Its the gun that gets probies in tears!
  12. The paper doesn't lie, maybe you should just get better..
  13. Impressive, personally I would prefer it on a rail that's free from the slide but that looks good man, how's it shoot?
  14. Gas blowback? If so, does it not shake that mini holo to bits?
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