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Everything posted by Cheeserush

  1. Why does nowhere have an mp5 with an adjustable stock in stock, I want to spend money!

    1. ImTriggerHappy


      Because you are not looking properly. Took me 30 seconds, go to Firesupport and they have several Ics models in stock.

    2. Cheeserush


      Actually appreciate it, never used fire support but I think ill spend some money tonight!

    3. Hypermonkey


      I have a WE MP5 SD3 brand new in the box for sale if you're interested (",)

  2. Just want to have a rant. Someone the other week wasn't taking hits, marshals were informed, eventually round the cornered and shot him on the chin from maybe 2 meters away (took that one), he then complained at the marshal I point blanked him. WTF!?!?!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lozart


      It's all part of the cheater mindset, unfortunately. They always think they're the victim!

    3. nuttytechy


      there are a couple of places I know that if a player does not call his hits and the marshalls have seen it going on then they will take the gun of that person and shoot that individual with their own gun as a pre warning lol.

    4. Cheeserush


      Im going to suggest that at my field!

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