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  • Guns
    G&G GR16 R4 Commando
    King Arms Sig 556 Shorty
    WE Browning Hi-Power
    Socom Gear M9A1 SOF
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  1. You got a thing for ugly guns?
  2. I got my Sig Sauer at Land Warrior. They've got a 15% discount at the moment, but they are out of stock! Better luck next time
  3. Haha thanks Mine is also a GR16? As promised, here are some pictures of my new WE Browning Hi-Power: Full metal construction with plastic 'wood' grips Bought from Airsoft World for £89.99 Fixed Hop Up? Gas Blowback, capable of taking green gas AK like iron sights Magazine safety; the gun only fires when there is a mag in 20 round magazine 300 FPS 805 grams
  4. I know I'm taking them all down (except the Sig) to AWA on the 1st of May, are you coming?
  5. Here's some pictures of my new King Arms Sig 556 Shorty with blowback. Quite expensive this one, about £400 normally, but I got it at the incredible low price of £300! Takes a 9.6v 1400mAh tactical stock type battery which shoots at around 330 fps, although having shot it myself I would argue that it was more like 350. Weighs 2.98kg which is surprisingly heavy for the size of it. Minimum length is 67cm while the maximum is 75cm. Receiver is aluminium, while other parts are nylon fibre. Comes with a 135 round mid cap magazine which is not a motorised type, so it also comes with a speed loader to load it. Iron sights are flip up which is very useful for mounting optics. Blowback is actually pretty scary, makes an incredibly loud noise, and I believe you can turn it off but why would you want to? I also have a WE Browning Hi-Power on the way so I'll get some pictures up when it arrives
  6. I agree Here's some pictures of the Tokyo Marui PX4 gas blow back. It set me back £150, not a bad price. The externals are all plastic, maybe the odd bit like the hammer and the trigger are metal. The real steel gun is also plastic, so it's not so bad. Magazine holds around 25 rounds and is metal. Field-strips just like the real steel, too. Features a rotating barrel system which isn't as fancy as it sounds, just means a small part of the inner barrel turns 90 degrees when you pull back the slide. Comes with interchangable back straps which fit onto the rear of the grip, just alters the size of the grip for people with big, medium or small hands. The safety doubles up as a decocking lever, which is cool. If you cycle the first round, then decide you don't need it you can just flick the safety up and it decocks itself!
  7. Haha, to be perfectly honest the PX4 is nothing special, but I will get some pictures up later
  8. My baby is a G&G GR16 Commando with a RAS handguard and crane stock. Batteries are impossible to get in, but it looks so good that I forgive it. You get 2 Rail covers and a foregrip in the box as well as a 450 round hi-cap, but I bought 2 more for about £20 each. Weight is almost the real steel, can't tell you exactly, but I'm definitely going to need a 3 point sling to hoist it around the field. It's got pneumatic blowback as well, so it doesn't drain the battery but still gives a satisfying kick. I haven't yet been skirmishing with it, but I can't bloody wait! The pistol in the last photo is my Tokyo Marui PX4 GBB. If anybody wants more pictures, I've got 'em
  9. Yeah, I remember now! The Red team really slaughtered that day I think the gun was some sort of hire MP5 and that PX4 was my first RIF!
  10. I suppose I must have done, which gazebo were you sitting under? I was in the one to the far right when you go in via the gate. You must remember me, I was the only teenage girl there!
  11. I'm in the first one! Far right crouching down, next to the guy with the green gun
  12. I've bought from there a few times, it was how I got into Airsofting. But like Alex said, their guns are feeble
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