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Spectre77 last won the day on October 14 2017

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  • Guns
    Here: none, they're illegal (for now, cmon March 1st)
    NZ: G&G GR15 XL
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    Here: None...
    NZ: MAGland, Christchurch
    UK: The Mall
  • Gender
  • Location
    Brisbane, Australia

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  1. Yuh, but if 'gunz r scary' then why the flip are gel blasters legal lol, they are literally just airsoft guns with a few different parts inside them. I literally have 4 JingGong AUGs sitting in my loungeroom that are near indistinguishable from our national service rifle.... Seriously, just lock the whole lot behind a CAT A firearms license that anyone and their dog can get and stop being silly buggers IMO. Sure, they can be used in crimes, la de da, so can 90% of the things you can buy in a hardware or sports store. I dunno bout you but I'm a lot more scared of the idea of having my head smashed in with a cricket bat. People been buying gel blasters for years now and society hasn't imploded yet... Anywho, rant aside, i'm not sure it would be that simple. Be a different story if I had access to the STL file and could mod it myself, but since it's someone elses product it's gonna be a bit eh. Also think it would look a bit weird and I do love the romance of 'sticking it to the man' that comes with having something they are trying very hard to not let me have, within the technical bounds of their own rules.
  2. My dude, Brexit has nothing on the hoops we have to jump through to get stuff down here. I'm sure someone who's getting paid far to much to do nothing in particular would find an argument to prohibit those as well, and as I said, you literally can't get a straight answer out of customs. You call the office of home affairs and they just tell you to read their website, which don't tell you shit. I long for the days when I don't have to ask these stupid questions and can just buy airsoft stuff, there's really no valid argument for it to be illegal when gel blasters and paintball isn't. But yeah, in terms of mags it would have to be the straight ones. The adaptor dosent take the bent ones (that would make life easy, I can buy those here lol). I'm aware these are kinda hard to get, but that's step 2.
  3. Trying to get a proper answer from customs for something like that is like pulling teeth, but the crux of it is that anything that is demonstrably intergral to the operation of an airsoft gun is prohibited. There's no formal rule for it as such, but it would need to be such that it couldn't be reasonably used as an airsoft magazine in it's current state. Turning it into a gelball mag would require a pretty much complete overhaul of the internals, so it would be fine to just entirely gut the magazine of all internal components and just send me the external casing. After this process, it can be sent in the mail with just 'gel blaster parts' and it should go through easy. I've brought other airsoft parts into the country this way.
  4. I apologise if this is the wrong forum, this post dosent really have an appropriate topic. Seeking partner in a custom build project. Wanting to do an AUG 9mm conversion using this. So, you may ask, "why do you require a partner in this endeavor. Just buy the thing, get the mags and slap it in your AUG". Alas dear reader, I live in Australia where anything moderately shaped like a gun is a deadly weapon by law. Fortunately, I live in the only state with a bare minimum of common sense that allows gel blasters (basically airsoft guns, just slightly more shit). So, I want to import the mags and convert them, but you can imagine my issue. As such, I 'm wanting to find someone who can purchase the mags on my behalf (ill pay for them, obviously),de-airsoftify them to make them Australia compliant and ship them onward to me. Should be a fairly simple process of just opening them up and unscrewing a few bits I hope. I appreciate that it's hard to trust some random on the internet so, with that in mind, I can only offer my assurance that I will never ask you to pay for anything yourself.
  5. Normally I'de be wearing the matching top, but it's like forty-something degree's and a long sleeve top would probably kill me. No guns or magazines, cause 'Straya. Platform is a Platatac SAC w/ Chicom chest rig expansion. All pouches are SORD.
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