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B.S last won the day on April 23 2023

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Profile Information

  • Guns
    S&T SMLE, K98k, NE Sten MkV GBB, M1928, Ares SLR, SA80, M16, Hk51, Hi Power MK3, F226, Webley MkVI.
  • Loadouts
    WW1 British, WW2 British, Aussie Vietnam, Cold War British, £4 of well-used DPM kit.
  • Sites
    Strikeforce CQB, The Base CQC, The Great War (First Battalion Boys).
  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Well, If I'm on here it's fairly obvious. Other than that - Pretty much most things military history, Gaming, and Film Production. Film & Television production graduate. I also occasionally do YouTube videos. Very occasionally; https://www.youtube.com/c/BSProductionsO7

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  1. Now My G23's having bigger issues, After about 3 shots firing correctly, It expels the gas, Without firing, and the BB just rolls out. Not sure what is causing this, but It's a Major issue. It could be related to My aiming the gun downwards, But it should still work even then.

    1. Mos


      Empty gas?

    2. B.S


      I did consider that a possibility, and filling the gas completely does seem to have lowered the problem, but it's still there. I also changed the hop off of default. Which helped more, But Like I said there is still an issue, that causes it to loose a BB or so every mag, more if I point the gun down.

    3. Mos


      Empty gas is all I can really consider... Not really sure of anything else, I'm sure someone else knows the problem.

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