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  • Guns
    Kriss Vector
    Tippmann M4
    APS ASR114
    WE Gock 17
  • Gender
  • Location
    Stevenage, Herts

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  1. TM416D Custom.... First skirmish with it this weekend, some PTS mags arrived this afternoon. I'll be eating supernoodles and water for the rest of the month!
  2. Wouldn't mind upgrading the rate of fire mainly, it's a little sluggish at the moment! Do the new high cycle gearboxes fit in? As that may be an upgrade for the future!
  3. Hi all, Recently purchased a TM MP5k, it all seems to be working fine, haven't had a chance to get it chrono'd but it seems to be fine. Motor seems fairly sluggish, not giving me a great fire rate...it's acceptable, but by no means anything to write home about. I'm planning on using it as a back-up mainly as mostly play woodland, and primary for when I occasionally will go to CQB. I want to keep it fairly reliable, and not go to crazy on upgrades (I've not opened a gearbox before) but am willing to learn, it shouldn't be too much of a problem. It's currently on a 8.4 nimh stick, I've seen that you can cut down the charging handle slightly and fit a 9.6 in there, anyone have any recommendations for that? I may pick one of these up http://www.proairsoftsupplies.co.uk/acatalog/SHS-Motor--Strong-Magnetic--Long-Type--SS303.html as a starting point, any other recommendations? I haven't opened it up yet, but was thinking of picking up a new hop rubber/bucking to make sure it's all nice and refreshed, as I did notice that when I bought it, a few bb's were rolling out of the barrel, although I have since adjusted the hop and it seems to have stopped.
  4. Thanks for the link. How is it different from other sites? Cool, I'll likely go on the 20th, let me know if you'll be there. I'm starting a nice collection of gear now, hopefully getting a TM MP5K for some CQB action soon. Have a WE Glock 17 for my sidearm as well.
  5. Hi all, very late reply! So, I've basically been airlifting every weekend, apart from when work had me in Italy for week. 1st week - Tech Brigade 2nd week - RIFT Cottenham 3rd week - AWA Herts All have been very difficult experiences, but all of them have been good! As mentioned earlier, tech brigade was the most relaxed, very short briefing, not really any marshals that I really noticed. On the day I went there was a fairly small attendance, and the sites were fairly overgrown and busy, it was absolutely great for crawling around in the mud and undergrowth. Lots of sneaky players with silenced pistols and sniper rifles. Was very good fun. RIFT tottenham - The opposite, very long safety briefing (some would say too long) but I can understand that it needs to be done. Was really nice to have 1 relatively small playing site, as it meant you really got to know the site and layout and make some plans. Was also a nice mix of woodland, and open field (with a tower in the middle). AWA Herts - a mix of the two really, fairly short briefing, really laid back marshals, some good game sites, a few which lacked the amount of cover needed really, was probably the least tactical of the sites I played at, but was a great laugh. One of my friends broke his AEG, and had no choice to use his plastic DEAGLE that was locked to fully auto only, with only 2 mags, oh how we laughed. I'm going to get to tech brigade again this weekend hopefully. Then maybe the school or another RIFT before the end of the year. I can't find any information on the Welwyn site, is it still there, can anyone advise?
  6. Hi all, Still fairly new to the hobby, had a few skirmishes now and starting to understand everything a bit more! I own an APS AEG, and a WE Pistol, the blowback pistol I am keeping well cleaned an oiled between each service, but for the AEG, other than giving it a wipe down to get rid of the mud, is there anything that should be done regularly or every few months to keep it well looked after? I'm happy to work out how to take things apart, not too keen to open the gearbox though! Doesn't seem a widespread gun, so not a huge amount of information out there or guides etc. What do you guys do between games? Anything important to keep an eye on? Thanks.
  7. Thanks again all, I'll double check the polarity, that does sound like a recipe for disaster! It has run ok on the 3s, I'll have a hunt round for info, unfortunately it doesn't seem a common gun over here so not many people with experience. I used it for a few hours for skirmishing the other day and I didn't notice any issues. I'm not a massive sprayer though! It's got a fairly low c rating so that probably helps. This is the AEG - http://www.moaihobby.com/shop/index.php/a-p-s-asr-114-10inch-key-mod-match-grade-rifle-silver-edge-gearbox-black.html Anyone any experience with that gearbox on 11.1v? I'm happy charging, got a proper balance charger so not to worried on that aspect, thanks for the advice though.
  8. Thanks all, sitting duck, that's perfect, for some reason neither of those showed up on a search!
  9. Hi all, Bought my first AEG last week, with a 3s Lipo, I didn't take them up on the charger, as I have an IMax B6 for my R/C equipment. Unfortunately I don't have the right connection. I could change the plug on the gun and Lipo to a dean's or something, but I'd rather not do anything to such a new gun, in case I need to return it. Can anyone recommend a UK site that will either be able to send me a tamiya mini to female deans connector or similar. I've found one on eBay but it's in China and need it a bit sooner! Thanks all
  10. Glad to see a lot of locals! I'm heading to tech brigade this weekend, have been paintballing at that site before so have some idea what to expect there. Have visited AWA in sawbridgeworth to have a look, and have seen the 2 rift sites nearby, will be keeping an eye out for everyone, and may send PMs to people who are going, always good to make new friends!
  11. It was bought in the UK, from my local store,the shop provided it to me 2 toned.
  12. Luckily yes, have some decent walking boots so should be fine on that front. Thanks for the welcome!
  13. Shouldn't do, it's the manufacturers website. Try this one instead - http://www.airsoftgi.com/product_info.php?products_id=17198
  14. Hi Guys, new to the hobby, got my first game this weekend, I recently bought this AEG http://www.aps-concept.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=397 and was wondering if anyone else has one? What are you thoughts, and problem areas I should look out for, any must have mods or anything? As it's my first gun, I want to look after it, and make sure I know of any weaknesses to look out for. I've already found a slight issue with using a limo in the butt, as there isn't really enough room with the wiring/fuses in there. Luckily I don't need to push the stock all the way in so it's not too much of a problem! All advice and thoughts are welcome...
  15. Hi all, Just signed up, got my first game this weekend, there seem's to be lot's of sites fairly local to me, so will be going round them as I get time! I've got my first AEG, mags, goggles, lower face mask, so neatly all ready. Will be getting a vest or some sort tomorrow! Look forward to getting out there, let me know if you are local to (Stevenage) would be great to meet more experience players.
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