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Everything posted by i3666

  1. Also, I thought you didn't talk to anyone when you go airsofting?
  2. By the end of the month will probably be too late Wait to the trolling starts; that's when things get real nasty!
  3. Got ya. I was waiting for you to say something sarcy, you were being too helpful, haha.
  4. Hmmmm, interesting points. This? http://airlab.parts/products/lonex-titan-motor . Would you need to replace anything else in the gun if going down this route? On a different note, I have also been looking at (almost set on getting) a Wolverine Inferno HPA conversion, as I am reliably informed it performs like a P* but more simplistic to maintain once setup, and more air efficient.
  5. Got ya, cheers. What MOSFET (cycle completing) would I need and do other parts need change?
  6. Just to be clear, would a Polar* negate the half cycle problem?
  7. That's interesting about the trigger pull. I do really like the Krytac guns and my mate has the CRB and he loves it, so I wouldn't completely discount it due to the cycle issue.
  8. Thanks for the comment but I will probably either P* it now or not bother at all. Yeah, I am only putting it in a M4 style gun (the PDW).
  9. I have a AEG Krytac PDW currently and I am thinking of dumping a Polarstar JACK into it. I play a lot of quick paced CQB where trigger response comes into a play a lot; so I can see the benefit(s) of Polarstaring it but I am seeking opinions (pros/cons) before I lay down some dosh. One issue I have with Krytac guns is that you need to really pull the trigger fully otherwise the gun half cycles and jams (this is probably true for most guns I know) but seems prevalent with Krytac's. So, I am hoping this issue is negated with a JACK. Has anyone else Polarstar'd (JACK) their AEG and what are your thoughts now on doing so?
  10. Agreed totally. Have a read of my post above, but to surmise I basically said the same thing. People choose not to wear full face pro, that is their choice and they know the potential consequences of not wearing full face pro.
  11. Head shots should count all day long if that is the only visible part of the body showing. If they don't wear full face protection, that is not your issue. Obviously, try and aim for center mass but if the head is showing, then go for it.
  12. I have just got a Gopro, so I will get on the case
  13. @ Proffrink - Can I get 7 flash bangs please? I tried to PM you but you cannot accept messages, apparently. Thanks.
  14. I see you down there on Sunday just gone
  15. Thanks again as this info is helpful in gauging as to what to get. Just one other query, did you find the FMA fast mag holders held the mag still when prone? I am planning on mounting the holders on either a belt or vest, but not sure which yet.... You are right with the noise aspect of CQB as it is quite loud where I play.
  16. Good shout, that looks a potential winner! Cheers. Can you mount a sling into it though? I'm not sure...
  17. Thanks Jedi. I have been looking at belts as it happens (post our private convo) but one my concerns is whether your core gets shot to buggery, does it? I normally just wear a thin, breathable top. But like you allude to, that belt does fulfill the need(s). Do you have suspender straps with that warrior belt on your setup?
  18. Thanks, thats helps and I will get some fast mags to get them a go.
  19. Has anyone had experience of this rig? Mil-Tec Laser MOLLE Carrier Vest - http://www.ukmcpro.co.uk/Mil-Tec-Laser-Cut-MOLLE-Plate-Carrier-Vest-OD-Green-Military/p/4/3/563636/ Below are my requirements for a new chest rig if you have any other suggestions in the £50(ish) price bracket: - Lightweight (as I play quick paced CQB mainly) - the vest only needs to hold 4 x Ares M4 mid-cap mags & 1 x TRMR via a pouch - Able to MOLLE on the sides of the rig (this is important to me because I want to lie down and keep the front of the vest free) - Dark green (I am going for this color so I can use it outdoors and also it will blend well in dark CQB environments, going back to the post the other day on here about dark colors being best for blending in in the night). - Not vital, but I would ideally like to mount a single point sling in the shoulder straps too Thanks all
  20. Thanks for the input guys (and maybe girls). I am also not one for aesthetics and just want a quiet, quick release mag holder. I would use the bungie mag holders (pouches) but i was concerned they would be slower compared to the polymer ones; and as I play quick paced cqb, mag change times are vital. As always with airsoft, there is so much choice and it might be a case of trying out a few options to find the best option for me.
  21. Thanks bud, thats helpful. I am just running plastic Ares mid-caps ( for a a AEG Krytac) so the FMA ones sound fine. Is this the product you are referring to? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/FMA-Tactical-Fast-Mag-Pouch-Set-Holster-5-56-Magazine-Pouch-Molle-Strike-System-/121527655392
  22. I must say, the grey does seem to work well in the dark and like others have said, I am not a 'load out replicating' person either. Just whatever is hard-wearing and comfy is what I go for I am currently wearing MTP top/bottoms purely as it was cheap and is comfy.
  23. I am looking for m4 mag pouches/holders for CQB which are quick release and are not velcro or bungee corded held . I will MOLLE the holder on a chest rig or maybe tac belt, probably a chest rig though. Has anyone used the below or similar product? Thoughts please? http://airsoftzone.co.uk/quick-release-mag-case-m4-magazine-pouch-molle-viper I am also open to recommendations, cheers.
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