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  • Guns
    custom Specna M4
    KWC 1911
    WE PLR16
  • Gender
  • Location
    Colchester Essex

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  1. That sounds very simple. I will have to give it a go.
  2. I have to use gas masks at work some times when spraying chemicals. If you are like me and have a bit of facial b*m fluff then it gets itchy very quickly, you also sweat like anything just from walking around after 20 mins so unless you get the ones with built in fans I can see you getting very hot in no time at all
  3. like everyone else has said eye protection and face protection should be at the top of your list, some good boots and maybe some gloves are not a bad investment either
  4. Spent 4 hours on the range to zero in my sniper and yet i still can't hit a target at 40m every time :(

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Uprising


      I know. Im a little worried

    3. ImTriggerHappy


      Plenty of people on here with experience of sniper rifles.

      Start a thread and see what ideas you get back.

    4. Zak Da Mack

      Zak Da Mack

      What gun is it?

  5. Thanks, i have spent about an hour going through the forums and have hardly scratched the surface......hope the other half is not expecting me to come to bed any time soon
  6. Gladly, is there anywhere on the forum that you post game site experiences?
  7. Hi all, my name is Pete and I'm 27. i have been playing airsoft for around two years now in Essex and I love it! Now before you get any ideas yes I am from Essex but no I am not like all the other stereotypes (I can spell my own name ) I am currently working on a sniper load out with my converted L96 and P226 as a secondary however going from a rifleman to sniper is a completely different ball game you will see me posting some stuff up soon so until then catch ya later
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