Hi everyone, I am new to the sport and just getting my head around what is good and not so good. I am after some experienced players thoughts on a few questions. Just to clear up i am over 18, will be getting UKARA registered when eligible and will mainly be playing CQB / Urban as woodland doesn't really do it for me. I am not interested in Mil Sim only skirmish fun (with added zombies).
1. Face masks - I want to sort this out as a priority as I don really want to rent a second facemark I'd rather have my own. I've watched and read so much about different types that I can longer make a sensible decision. Are there protocols around what other players find acceptable ? There are a lot of "halloween" style masks for sale but people don't seem to wear them in videos. In fact most people in videos don't even wear mouth masks. I don't think I want goggles that fog up, or gear that is restricting vision or breathing. Neither do i wan tot lose eyes and teeth. What can people recommend as sensible ?
2. I will initially rent guns via the site until UKARA registered. Bearing in mind I want to play CQB / Urban, I am looking at the following guns. Can anyone help me out with advice as to what to avoid or to look for when comparing the following listed guns. Initially I was looking for a rifle and pistol but after reading around I have decided to postpone the pistol as it may not get that much use anyway. I really like the look of the Kriss Vector (I know bring on the abuse !) but quickly realised they are rarer then rocking horse poo. I understand that Krytac will be releasing one - anyone have any idea when that is likely to be ? In the meantime I am looking at :
1. G&G GC16 Predator
2. Krytac Trident CRB
3. G&P TMR 10" barrel
4. Ares AM014 Ameoba
5. Ares AM013
6.G&G CM16 SRL - forgot to add this one in
3. Any other kit that would be really useful but not immediately obvious to a newbie ?
Thanks for your help