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Posts posted by Mos

  1. I'm unsure.


    If the website has a design flaw where someone under 18 can buy a gun, and then the u18 now owns the gun via there flaw.


    and bearing in mind the VCRA (I think please correct me) protects sellers. Whos at fault now?


    When you place your bank details, is your age not on the card?


    Now come someone tell me I'm silly/deluded/wrong.


    Though I don't mind being wrong.


    (Edit: corrected the word "flaw")

  2. yep ^


    I own a RIF, I don't have UKARA, nor am I over 18. Nor do I know the law aha.


    but I do play airsoft. And pretty much if you play airsoft you're fine, you just need to prove it.


    UKARA equal form or defence, I think.

    I get a receipt from the airsoft site people. As my defence until my older brother can get th UKARA defence all sorted.

  3. There is an FAQ at the top of this forum...

    Yes! Well that's the point.


    I read the VCRA and it says you can't manufacture a RIF.

    So by this understanding you can't spray paint an IF to make it look like a RIF


    Yet it has been said you can under insured skirmish arenas.

    I believe the people who said that.


    But it is confusing, or to me anyway.


    I may have missed some vital sentence, so yeah.

  4. Yeah, my older brother takes me to games, infact he airsofts so just as I do.


    but yeah. it's not particularly clear. They say stuff then, call false to that and say something else..


    Might not even be that, it is just confusing.


    like, people say "you can only get realistic gun if got defense wether it be UKARA or site memb"


    then, but if you play at a proper site you can change your IF to RIF (if what I read was true)

    Though this is not complying to a set of rules


    maybe people get confused because of people who don't know 100 percent of what they're talking about. IE me. But the advice on here that I've read looks pretty good and is accepted by others so it must be true.


    so you cant, but you can.


    I thought you can't have a RIF if you don't have a defense (membership or UKARA) but if you turn up to a proper skirmish site, that's cool aswell though.


    UKARA is only for the sellers protection? It is isn't it? so that's nothing to do with the user, once they have attained a RIF.


    I just think as long as your dont cause any harm or trouble it's ok.. Or should be ok, but nowadays that's not acceptable, which is fair enough..

  5. Why the f*** I watched that. I don't consider myself a really sensitive guy, but I nearly droped in tears after I saw that clip (don't know if it has sound, as it would have made it worse). I wanted to squeeze that bastards neck till his eyes popped out of it's sockets. How mentally sick you can be to do that sort of thing ?

    Right on there. Must be real vile to do these acts. I hope they get a beating - a serious beating.

  6. It's fine, if you just turn up, someone will say 'hey' or 'nice gun, what is it?' There's a good site in billericay - infact, even if you ask someone else "nice gun, what is it" should spark some talk. But generally playing the skirmish, you'll find yourself in a building, with a teammate surrounded or something likewise, and that person will speak, about a plan etc..


    It will happen, people have a soul :)


    Good luck my friend!

  7. Sweet. Thanks monty. I'll probably end up getting that one then.


    I got into that mode of wanting to buy an accessory, and knowing which one to get, then checking if there's any better at that price area lol..



  8. Hey


    Me again, was looking at some scopes, the one I was looking at was a CVLIFE 6-24x50, but I thought its minimum zoomage is 6x, that seems quite a lot.


    So I'm wondering what scope should I go for, for my VSR, looking for something below £50 and fairly decent.


    Or I could of mugged myself, for someone to tell me that CVLIFE one is actually good. Let me know if 6x as min will be fine. Here it is http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/160727972520?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT

  9. Thanks guys, yeah their website is a bit crap


    Edit: I was checking the options, there's the g spec model, the vsr pro model and the vsr long...

    I'll go for the vsr pro, as I have a vsr pro. But what's a vsr long?


    Also, as you've said, this means I can't purchase any aftermarket hop buckings?

  10. get a VSR cut barrel, I recommend either Laylax or PDI. PDI will sort you whatever length you need, Laylax seem to be like rocking horse poo to get hold of. I currently have a Laylax 6.03mm x 303mm in my g-spec and it is ace but also have a PDI 6.05mm x 303mm on route to me, I'll use whichever is best in the VSR then put the other in my Mk23 SOCOM

    Thanks for replying. I have a VSR pro, and Im looking to get a 6.05, is It a matter of going onto PDI's website (which is x fire I think) and going to the vsr section? Thanks

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