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Posts posted by hagar66

  1. But at least your office has moving scenery and good views, and you get to eat high calorie food from all over the place :)


    I once spent two and a half hours in a queue at Universal Studios in Florida to get on their new Harry Potter ride, it was hellish for only a 5 minute entertainment experieince.

    Mmmmm greasy spoon cafes lol but yeah it does have its advantages sometimes

    There's no way I'd queue for that long, especially in the Florida heat lol

  2. I do not like queues, standing out in the rain waiting to get in is not my idea of fun. Same way I dislike long lines at chrono. Last time took ages and many did not make it in time. Never seen so many players having to go back after brieifing to get sorted. No idea why it took so long, and to be fair all previous occasions had been pretty slick having got there early. Hope it was just an isolated event.


    Lol I'm the same as you, hate queueing, God knows why I became a lorry driver as drives me mad waiting around lol
  3. Everytime for the last two and a half years?

    Never queued more than a few minutes in probably over 40 Sunday games there. Guys on the chrono are usually pretty efficient at moving people through.

    As long as get down to the chrono area for 9.20 no issues as chrono normally closes about 9.30 for the briefing.

    Again, sounds like you have been lucky in your two and a half years then, I have been there and guys have had to go back down after the briefing to get chronoed either cos they have turned up late or cos of a big queue, I have seen quite big queues there in the past and I like to get down early so I have more time to get my kit ready, but as you have so kindly said, the marshals do try and move the queue along as quickly as possible
  4. lol first time using a Gopro, after cutting that clip out of my footage, for some reason i have no sound on it so you could have heard what was being said at the time also, kinda went like.....


    ,GREEN TEAM: loads of orange in the shop that we cant budge....ME:, dont worry, this will sort a few out lol........sorry for the team kill, its pitch black in that shop and quite long so didnt realise green was working there way in from the rear lol


    forgot to say, my team was going, you got some at the rear of the shop, we can see them walking out hands held high...im guessing that was you m8 lol

  5. I would highly recommend these guys, I went down there a couple of weeks ago to buy 2 pistols, one for me and one for my son, he knew what he wanted, a glock 17 but I was not sure what I wanted, I had an idea and the guys in the shop got ALL my choices out so I could go through them all to see what I liked the best and talked me through the pros and cons of them all.

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