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  • Guns
    CM16 M0D0
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  • Location
    Ulverston-in-Cumbria, Lake District

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  1. I'm new to airsoft and am looking for a local(ish) team or other people from Ulverston/lakes way who like to play too. I've been once before and now have a gun and combat gear. I'm just looking for other people to play with becuase its not as fun playing on your own and it'd be great fun playing as a team (especially becuase where I played everyone ran off in their own direction like headleds chickens with now plan) :D

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    2. DEDSEC


      Duck forgot to mention if a player doesn't call their hits full auto their ass and charge in and knife them. Qlimax got one on camera last week I believe it was.


      Seriously though, if someone isn't taking their hits and hits you don't try to argue or shout abuse as it just spoils the day for everyone. Just be the mature one and go tell a marshal. They usually go deal with them and let you go back to where you were and resume play.

    3. Rachael


      Yeah I've heard a lot of people say that about taking hits, I wouldnt want to waste time argueing

    4. Ian_Gere


      all good advice above - next most important thing is footwear - dont bust an ankle for the sake of £40 on a pair of boots

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