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Sacarathe last won the day on June 11 2017

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    ASG Scorpion EVO
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  1. After I've safely discharged the bad LiPo, can I just chuck it in the bin, if so, recycling or landfill?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. padraigthesniper


      put it in a blender see what happens lol i dont have a clue you could bury it in your garden

    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      A lively game of Darts....

      or at local recycling centre in battery section - drop it bin and run for ya life

    4. Andy Mc

      Andy Mc

      If you have a lipo battery tester, make 100% sure that all cells are at 0%, if you have a 7.4v then both cells should be at zero etc.. cut the main lead connector off, wrap the leads together, and it should be safe to chuck in the bin. If you not sure then maybe take it to a local dump for disposal.

      better still, drive a nail through the battery, and stand back, LOL (not recommended) I've had a lipo go in one of my rc helicopters, it's not a nice experience!

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