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Krytac LMG Enhanced

Krytac LMG Enhanced


  • Price £300
2 Questions


I'm selling my Krytac Enhanced LMG, it has a PTS grip fitted and is wired to deans.

Other than this the LMG is stock and has a great rate of fire and is accurate as is.

The LMG will come in its original box and with an 11.1v nanotech battery.

I'm happy to post (postage is an extra £15 and will be sent via Parcel Force 48) or you can collect from my home address (Haverhill Suffolk).

Trades could be a possibility, but your RIF needs to have a similar value to mine or cash being offered to make up the difference.

If you have any questions or you are interested feel free to message me.


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Haverhill, Suffolk

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