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AliEx EoTech 553

AliEx EoTech 553


  • Price £30
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Got 2 of these by mistake, so hopefully someone will appreciate getting the extra one at a cheaper price.  New in the packaging and never used, I took it out for 2 minutes to check it worked (which it does).  Requires 2 x AAAs.  Bit of a dark tint to the glass but there's no ghost reticule when viewed by the human eye, that was only picked up by my phone when I was taking the picture.


'NV' button switches from red to green, can go decently bright with the controls and also dim down.  Military type markings and label from the mid-10s and earlier, so ideal for a slightly older style build but the tan goes well with all my tan/FDE furniture here.


My other one mounts pretty tightly, so if you've got a receiver pic rail that you know is a smidge over-sized this may not go on, but could be good on a slightly thinner rail possibly.  Again that was on my other example, didn't try this specific one.


Original listing here - https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005343436692.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.25.17df1802FacC5h


Please do check out my other ads, happy to do bulk discounts.  Always open to offers on price.  PayPal fees and UK 2nd class postage are included.

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