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5 Kublai 180rd Advanced Black Polymer Mid-Cap AR-15/M4 Magazine - Socom Gear Lancer L5 Advanced WarFighter clones

5 Kublai 180rd Advanced Black Polymer Mid-Cap AR-15/M4 Magazine - Socom Gear Lancer L5 Advanced WarFighter clones


  • Price £16 Shipment cost 3 GBP
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Clones of the Socom Gear Lancer L5 Advanced WarFighter M4 magazines by Kublai in opaque black. They're advertised as 180rd and I find that's pretty accurate, though I do find in my G&G CM16 the first 10 rounds go everywhere if you try to fill them completely, don't seem to have the same problem in my Ares Amoeba CCC though 


Has a window at the top where you can see BBs if there's at least 100ish loaded which is a nice little feature (see photos). Decent feeling plastic, easy to get the spring out for cleaning.

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