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MP5A4 not working..H&K

MP5A4 not working..H&K


  • Price £75
0 Offers
1 Question


I picked this up in a deal,it's not really my thing and I CBA with it.Seems to be good quality with a metal body but a techy previous owner "upgraded" it by adding the high torque motor shown.It came to me not working,I tried another motor in it and it seems to fire ok,but I think perhaps it should have been a short rather than a long motor because if you tighten the bottom plate it locks up and heats up everything.The motor looks creamed anyway and the gear was lose which fell off when I took it out.I'm not sure what it needs but he says the motor lost a tooth,all the teeth are worn badly.

Comes as shown with a torch attached(not working)via a push button on the hand grip,1 x hi-cap mag,2 x massive batteries(not tried to charge them but I will tonight),original motor(😒)


Offers invited,price includes fees and postage...


P.s I have no idea why 3 of the pics are upside down....


  • Make
    H&K ?
  • Model
  • FPS
  • Accessories
    As above

, Berkshire - United Kingdom

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