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E&C M203 - Long

E&C M203 - Long


  • Price £100
1 Offer
1 Question


Purchased on a seperate E&C M16, immediately removed and swapped for a version without the markings (my personal preference).  Has not been played with, fired, or anything of the sort.  Comes with 2 rear barrel mounts, QD forward mount and pic mount as pictured.  Can't guarantee exactly which barrel nuts the barrel mounts will work with, one is for old school TM AEGs and one is for standard barrel nuts that have the same teeth style as RS.  Can always swap to the pic mount and attach it to literally anything with 20mm rail underneath though - AR or otherwise.


Far as I know right now this is possibly the only way to buy a standalone 203 with colt markings since FS only sell the plain version by itself; certainly close to the only way.


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